Monday, September 30, 2013

Overjoyed x2!

Today has been an amazing day! I met B & R at the U of M a bit before my appointment. They were so excited they had been there about an hour already! I was excited too and was there 10 minutes early.

We sat in the waiting room and chatted and watched my 2 year old climb the chairs. Finally, my name was called. 

As I walked back with the tech, I told her that I have an entourage with me and I would like them present when it's time for the ultrasound. She said "you want what to happen?" I told her again that I would like my husband and the parents to be present for the ultrasound. That she finally got.

I was left to undress and cover as I waited for the doctor to come in and the ultrasound to begin. The tech brought everyone back to me and we all chatted until the doctor came in.

B & R moved up by me (thank you!) and we all could watch the ultrasound monitor.

In went the probe and we all started watching the screen. A couple of seconds later we started seeing dark blobs appear on the screen. She quickly discounted one of them as just blood (there was nothing inside) and showed us the remaining two sacs. Twins!

The two dark areas are the sacs and the little spots of white inside are the babies!

It was so cool to watch as she measured each sac and the "crown to rump" measurement. Both babies are measuring almost perfect at 6 weeks 5 days and 6 weeks 4 days. (I am currently 6 weeks 6 days). 

My favorite part of every prenatal appointment came next: listening to the heartbeats. There isn't a more wonderful sound in all the world, if you ask me. To think that these little babies, each no bigger than a blueberry, has a heart that is beating on its own is such an amazingly awesome thing to me. I will never stop marveling at the awesomeness of that sound. I absolutely love that sound!

Baby A cooperated and allowed us to easily hear the beats and count them-130 beats per minute. Baby B was a bit more tricky to get to, but we were able to hear the beats as well-124 beats per minute. Perfect for almost 7 week babies!

B & R are so excited to know that everything seems to be going well and the babies and I are healthy. I don't know if its really hit any of us yet, there are going to be two little people joining the party in 7-8 months! I'll probably write about it once reality hits me that I'm carrying two babies. :-)

I am so excited for small miracles!

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