Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Surrogacy Support

Today's post isn't about how I am feeling physically, cravings, or upcoming doctor's appointments. Nope. It's about my wonderful hubby, Shawn.

Today is our 9th anniversary. As a bride I remember being excited about our future together and wondering what God had planned for our days together. I NEVER dreamed that we would have two beautiful and smart girls of our own and I would be helping another couple have a family of their own by carrying a baby for them.

Shawn has been absolutely wonderful throughout the surrogacy process. He was with me for both of the transfers, even joking that "if my wife is going somewhere to get pregnant I'd like to be there for it!"

He has encouraged me through the all of the meds and helped me when I'm just too tired to stay awake to administer them. (He hasn't been on the giving end of the shots yet, just waking me up so I can do them.)

He held me and let me cry after hearing the bad news of a chemical pregnancy and then once again when my IP's bitterly told me they weren't continuing.

He has laughed (a lot) with me as we have heard the insanely high beta numbers called to me from the nurse.

He has held my hand as I've nervously anticipated meeting my IP's.

He has brought home dinner for me when I'm just too tired (or nauseous) to cook anything.

He will eventually be the one to stay with me after the baby/ies are delivered and safely in their own room with B & R. 

Even though I'm the one taking the meds and carrying the baby/ies, there is no way I could have or would have wanted to do this without Shawn's support.

Thanks, Shawn, for your love, encouragement, and support throughout this journey. I'm glad you are by my side as we wait for B & R's miracles!

Our blessed family.

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