Friday, September 6, 2013

To Pee or Not to Pee

A big debate among surrogates is whether or not to test for pregnancy at home. Some think the results should be left to the beta test two weeks after the retrieval. (My test is next Tuesday.)

Others start testing as soon as they get back from the transfer, mainly because they don't want a surprise the day of the beta. Usually people start seeing results somewhere around day 7.

I'm with the group that tests, however, I start testing on day 5 after the transfer, also known as 5dp5dt, or 5 days post 5 day (old embryos) transfers. I know that the likely way most surrogate stories go is that they get negative results for a day or two, and if they are going to get a positive it will happen around day 7pt. Silly, right? I should just start testing on day 7, right? Well, lets just say that I'm impatient and want to start testing early!

Last night I purchased 7 home pregnancy tests. Why 7? No, it's not because I'm superstitious. I'm not at all. I bought 7 because it seemed like a good number: two for Friday, two for Saturday, two for Sunday, one for Monday, blood test on Tuesday. If one of these wasn't bright in your face positive, then I could test again.

I asked B & R last weekend if they had a preference either way on me testing and they strongly encouraged me to go ahead. They also wanted results of the test. Of course, it's their pregnancy so I am happy to work with their wishes.

Yes, I did test today, and I did talk with B & R. Sorry, I'm not going to reveal the results of the test. Agony, I know! I will however, post the results of the beta on Tuesday. Call me crazy, but I feel like the 88 cent home pregnancy test results don't warrant a definitive spot on my blog, however the scientifically proven beta test should get a post all to itself. 

Don't worry, on Tuesday I will also post the results of all of the home pregnancy tests, too! Let's see how well they measure up!

Sometimes miracles take patience, persistence, and a lot of preparation!

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