Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Are You Sitting Down?"

Those are the exact words that I heard from the nurse this morning. Yikes!

Yesterday I had another blood draw to check for my hcg level to be doubling appropriately. "Normal" doubling time is usually every 48-72 hours (basically, an hcg level of 200 should double to 400 every 48-72 hours, etc). Let's look at my history, shall we?

September 1st: two 5 day embryos transferred
September 10th: 1st hcg level is 350
September 13th: 2nd hcg level is 1390

Which brings us to yesterday's draw and my phone call this morning.

The nurse from the Clinic called this morning. She greeted me with "Are you sitting down? You probably should be for this." Holy cow! What's going on in there?

All good news. My beta hcg is at 7,343, which is a doubling rate of 40 hours.

Holy cow! Did I say holy cow? If not, then HOLY COW! That is a wicked high number!

She went on to explain that everything looks good and that she is sending over orders for the ultrasounds to be done in a couple weeks. She did mention that she would bet I'm carrying "at least two" but that she doesn't like to speculate on things like this.

It took me about a half an hour to calm down after that little bit of news. My co-workers were really amused by my reaction and very supportive. I absolutely couldn't do this without their support. (Thanks, SonShine!)

My hubby was amusing when I called him. I told him what the level was and his reaction was a "Well, all right then!" He then repeated the number back to make sure he heard correctly. :-) He's pretty excited, too, and I'm glad he's such a support for me as well.

I chatted with B & R a bit this morning. They are so excited about the news. I teased them that they needed some recovery time after the news from the nurse. :-)  We are going to try for a morning ultrasound so they can be here for it and then fly out that night.

I was asked today how I'm feeling and if I'm feeling like there's "more than one in there." Honestly, I am feeling pretty good. I am still thirsty for really cold water, but its not out of control. The morning sickness I am experiencing is pretty mellow, too. Some days are better than others, but I haven't lost my cookies. Whatever food cravings I was having have gone away, however, food aversions are still in full swing (totally can't do yogurt...). Honestly, food just disinterest me right now. This is pretty typical for me. My last two pregnancies were kind of like that, where I could have cared less about food and just ate because that is what you are supposed to do (and because baby needs it). I'm not cramping, still just "twinges" every once in a while.

Thankfully, I am not super emotional yet. I am waiting for this one to kick in. There is no way I can be on this many meds with a growing pregnancy and not start crying over a dog food commercial (hey, the puppies are so cute and really bring joy to their owners as they play fetch! Don't judge.)

I am feeling fatigued in the evenings, but I think that is pretty normal for most people. I get up at 5am, at work by 7am where I am pretty actively involved with kids until early afternoon when I go home to run errands, clean, make dinner and care for my family. Most people would be tired at 7:30pm, right? So, I can't really blame exhaustion entirely on pregnancy. Maybe a little, but not all.

Anyway, I am good. We have a healthy pregnancy on it's way. In 12 days we will get to see this miracle... or two.  I can't be much happier than I am right now.

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