Thursday, September 12, 2013

Opinionated Baby(ies)!

Ever since I first met these two embryos, they have shown me that they have their own opinions and aren't afraid to let me know! (see previous posts if this doesn't make sense.) Apparently, even with pregnancy symptoms they are showing me who's boss! (B & R, take notes!)

 I've written about random symptoms that I started having in the past two weeks, however, in the past 2 days they have been kicked up a couple of notches! (I'm not complaining, just taking note of the experience.) Here's what I'm noticing from these two opinionated embryos:

-Morning Sickness. From the moment I wake up (usually around 5am) until sometime between 9:45-10:15am I have pretty decent queasy stomach. I sip my chai and water and take small bites out of Ritz crackers to keep my stomach "down." If things are really bad, I also nibble on a string cheese, which sometimes helps.

-Food aversions. Sigh. I love to eat. There aren't many foods I don't like... mushrooms, olives, cooked tomatoes to name a few. However, I now have an intense dislike for strawberries. Hopefully, this one will go away! I love berries any way I can get them. I also have noticed that I am having trouble with gooey textures. Summer squash is high on this list, unfortunately. And Greek yogurt is another iffy food. Again, the texture. 

-Food cravings. Lately, I NEED to have kosher dill pickles. This isn't much of a stretch for me as I do LOVE my pickles, however, now I need 8 pickles to make me happy. (I canned 6 quarts of pickles on Tuesday, so hopefully that will help with this particular craving.) Along with the pickles, I seem to be on a trail mix and Air Head kick. Hmm...

                                       My third jar of pickles and second bag of Air Heads.

-Fatigue. Last night I was eating dinner with my kiddos when I noticed just how tired I was. Like, struggling to stay awake kind of tired. After dinner, I put my kids in jammies and they crawled in bed with me to watch Gilligan's Island until their bedtime. After they were in bed, I went back to my room and promptly fell asleep.  Sheesh! It was only 7:30! I was fine when I woke up this morning and have been okay all day so far. We will see how I do tonight with dinner, dance class, and then bedtime. And, tonight is one of the nights my wonderful hubby has to work, so this mom is on her own with the kids for the night.

Thankfully, the cramping has pretty much stopped. I get "twinges" every once in a while, but that helps me know they are there and things are working as they should. Nothing out of the ordinary there!

I think that is all that I am physically experiencing right now. My coworkers are all making guesses on how many babies are inside and can't wait to hear the results in a couple of weeks. So far the guesses range from 1-4, with 2 being the most frequent guess made (B, don't worry, only one person said 4!).

Sometimes miracles come in ways we don't expect. :-)

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