Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Fetal Position

Yes, I am blogging about the fetal position. You know the way it works: lay down on a couch, bed, chair, floor, etc, and tuck your knees close to your chest while hugging your legs. I've seen guys do this when kicked in the groin, newborns like this as it reminds them of the womb, and now it's a position I'm curled up in it. 

Why am I curled in a tiny ball? 

Apparently, there is a war going on in my uterus. The Lions are trying to gain yardage on the Vikings' turf. (Today is the first game of the regular season and MInnesota plays Detroit.) We all know the Vikings are going to kick Lion butt, however, we have to watch every play, every commercial, and listen to all of the commentary to get to the final score and the cheer of the Vikings.

Or, if you want a different metaphor:
A week ago Dr D repeatedly put two embryos into their temporary home for the next 8-9 months. (See previous posts if you are confused.) Being the hospitable person I am, I medicinally made their environment as luxurious as I could. As we learned last week as we were being introduced, these little embryos are stubborn and rather picky for the perfect place to hang out. Now that they have been there a week they have chosen today to start redecorating.

However I say it, there's a whole lot of cramping going on! Since my girls are resting I decided to take this opportunity to relax in the most comfortable position I can find and hope the cramping lessens. Hence the fetal position.

Please note that I am not complaining. This is exactly what is supposed to happen. Cramping, nausea, exhaustion, etc are all GOOD things when you are a surrogate! I'm just noting the symptoms and when I experienced them for my own benefit, and hopefully, someone else can benefit from my experiences, too.

Speaking of nausea... Welcome back! I was just a bit nauseous this morning, but sometime during church this morning WHAM! Nausea hit! I made it through lunch, and I really need to start on the clean up, but blech! The thought of that makes my stomach roll, too! Oh well. Life must still go on. Dishes, laundry, and floors await!

The signs of a miracle are many!

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