Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reassurance in Blood

On Friday I had another blood test to check the level of hcg. Long story short, everything is good.

Short story long, I wasn't able to go to the lab until my lunch at 1, so by the time I was actually drawn it was 1:30. The labs were ordered STAT, but as everyone knows, one person's definition of STAT can be very different from another's. This lab considers 4ish hours to be STAT... hmm.

Unfortunately, our clinic is on the east coast, which means a one hour time difference. By the time that the labs came through the clinic was closed. This meant that my IP's and I were not able to get the results on Friday. Or Saturday. Grrr...

I'm a fairly patient person, however, this time the waiting was driving me nuts! I tried to reassure B & R that everything is still okay as I was still experiencing morning sickness and haven't had any "bad" symptoms, but of course we all were waiting to hear the number.

To try to expedite things, I signed up for the online test results from the lab. A few minutes later I received a message from them! I quickly logged in and proceeded to have a heart attack. I looked to the results list and read that my hcg level was in the normal range and at a 10. My heart sank. How could this have happened? I had gone from a 350 to a 10? Nothing had changed that I could tell. What on earth?

I then noticed a note next to the 10 reading "see comments." So, I clicked on the comments. Nothing happened. I clicked again. Nothing. Click, click, click... nothing. AHHHH!!! (Yes, I actually did yell that, much to the amusement and concern of my children.)

In my frustration, I quickly scanned the results page for anything that could help me. I finally found what I was looking for. The date of the test read "February 8, 2013."

Big sigh. These were my previous transfer test results. This is not my current result that I am waiting for.

Once, my heart started beating regularly again, I signed out and tried to relax. Worrying will not help me get the results any sooner.

This morning while I was making breakfast, I received a call from an unknown number in CT. Of course I answered it! It was the nurse from the clinic. She was sent my results and wanted to let me know that my repeat beta was 1390! Holy cow! I think I must have giggled for about 10 minutes in shock! (I wrote down the number while I was still on the phone and my hubby started giggling, too!) I told her that I would like to call B & R and let them know what the results are. She was more than happy to let me do that as she had a million things to do on her Sunday. (Also, she called me at 8am my time and I KNOW B & R would not be awake yet. B & R, you are welcome for the uninterrupted sleep this morning!)

After about 40 minutes of waiting with a big ol' schmucky grin on my face (ask my hubby, he will tell you how giddy I am!) I couldn't take it anymore. I sent them a text saying " Good morning! Call me when you wake up. I have the beta results!" 20 minutes later (see, I knew they weren't awake yet!) I was able to tell them the awesome news. What a way to greet a Sunday morning!

I think we all are breathing a bit easier now that we know things are going the way they are supposed to go. I will have another repeat beta on Tuesday (my boss has already informed me that I will not be able to leave until my lunch at 1) but at least we will not have a weekend to contend with this time. Once we get awesome numbers this time, too, we have to wait another two weeks to have the ultrasound to listen to the heartbeat and find out how many are in there!

I love being the one to share this incredible news with B & R. How cool is it that on Tuesday I was able to give them the "official" news that they were going to be parents? And today I was able to reassure them that everything is going well with their pregnancy. I really enjoy bringing happiness to others and I can't think of a nicer thing to tell someone that they're going to have a baby. How cool is that?

Miracles make me smile!

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