Tuesday, September 10, 2013

And the Results Are...


This morning I received a very exciting call. The nurse from the Clinic called stating that my Beta test came back and I'm pregnant! My beta was 350, which is great (anything over 25 is good!) No, this number is NOT an immediate indicator of multiples. As B keeps saying "we are hoping for a healthy baby."

The really great part is that I asked the nurse if I could be the one to call R & B. She said yes. Oh my word. I was so excited I was practically shaking! I decided to call R first (I knew that R would probably  be at the desk and able to pick up immediately.) R was SO excited! I could hear the smile through the phone! We chatted for a minute and R suggested that I call B with the news. B's reaction was great, too. B started laughing as soon as I said my beta number. B responded with "I don't think there's just one baby in there, Shawnee!" I could tell B was pleased with this thought (or shocked, who knows!). I said that I was sorry I didn't start the conversation with a "You need to sit down!" and then say what the beta was!

What happens next? Well, I continue with the same meds I am currently taking. This Friday, I will go back to the lab and have them check my beta again to make sure it is doubling the right way. I will repeat this again next Tuesday (I think.) Then, three weeks from today (give or take) I will go in for an ultrasound to listen to the heartbeat and find out how many there are in there.

Honestly, I am still ecstatic with the news! I am so stinkin' happy for B & R! What an amazing thing to be able to share this experience with another family. How cool is that!

Yeah for little miracles!

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