Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Bump in the Road

Today was an insanely emotional day for me. I tend to be an early riser, so I decided to kick off my day with some prenatal yoga. This was a great way to start my day.

I went to work and went through the day with my munchkins. They presented their usual challenges, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

Then, my day changed drastically. On my break I decided to go see my 2 year old. 

On the way to her classroom I noticed something unusual happening. I was feeling rather crampy and then I noticed a feeling of leaking. Hmm. I doubled back to the ladies room only to discover that I had started bleeding. Not spotting, bleeding. Not enough that I would call it like a period, but enough to completely freak me out. 

Since I was at work and didn't have the Clinic's phone number on me, I shot an email to the nurse. A minute later I received a phone call from the nurse. After explaining to her what was going on with me, she said that this may be a normal symptom for this pregnancy.

That being said, Dr D wants me to be on pelvic rest until things calm down. Basically, they want me to limit my lifting to only what I have to (I have a two year old who occasionally needs picking up for random things), limit activity, limit stress as much as possible, and try to put my feet up as much as possible. I'm hoping to avoid bed rest if possible, so I'm try to obey doctors orders.

After a couple of hours of light work, I finally was able to go home and lay down.

I sent B & R a text asking one of them to call me so I can tell them what's going on. Can I say how wonderful they are? Seriously, I've been so upset and crying all afternoon and they both just reassured me that whatever happens everything will be okay. Big sigh, no more tears.

Thankfully, after hanging out on the couch all afternoon and evening the bleeding has pretty much stopped and the cramping has toned down a lot. I did send B & R another text letting them know things have calmed down. 

I'm still trying to decide what to do with work tomorrow. I think I could manage to sit more and I should be able to limit my lifting. 

Tomorrow is a day that I know will be difficult for me anyway. September 20th is my dad's birthday. I miss him daily and his birthday is all around difficult. Nerves and hormones mixed with my dad's birthday could make for an interesting day.

For now, I'm going to be happy that the bleeding and cramps have chilled out, I'll take my nightly medicines, and then go to bed with my heating pad on my leg. I'm going to get up in the morning and listen to how my body is feeling and make decisions at that point. And tonight I'll go to bed praying for a miracle.

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