Monday, September 2, 2013

Back to Reality

Sitting in an airplane definitely gives you time to think. I try to live in the moment, but reminiscing can be a good pastime, too. As I think about the past five days I can honestly say that I have enjoyed almost every moment of my recent journey. 

The good:
-Meeting B & R and enjoying my time with them. Having real people to go with my email, text, and phone calls. Realizing that they really do have similar ideas and beliefs and will carry them out with their children. Being comfortable with the choice in IP's we made.
-Spending some much needed alone time with Shawn. As B & R will soon learn, finding time with just the two of you becomes more challenging once you become parents. Yes, it's okay to talk about the kids when they aren't there, but the time to reconnect as a couple is invaluable.
-New York City! I seriously love that town. There is so much to see and do... Shopping was a lot of fun, Newsies was such a wonderful treat, but its the energy and the excitement that the town possesses that brings this small town girl back time and again.
-The transfer. We had two "great looking" embryos transferred into me. The excitement and the dreams that these two little specks hold will never cease to amaze. Of course we won't know how they are doing for a couple of weeks, but just the fact that they are in there after all of the preparation we have gone through is enough for me right now.

I can't even start a list of "bad/not good." The things that happened that I wouldn't put in the "good" list are rather insignificant when you really think about it. An uncomfortable transfer that went on longer than I was expecting, the nerves I had prior to meeting B & R, cramping after the transfer while on bed rest at the hotel... These aren't big things. In fact, I'd probably park them more into the "that's life" category instead. Of course, given my "special situation" not everyone experiences these kinds of realities, but that just makes my story all the more unique and special.

We are almost ready to land and this will bring my journey back down to reality. My kiddos will be there needing something for dinner, laundry will still have to be washed, I still need to prep for my class tomorrow. Reality. But now I have a little miracle inside as I live my anything but routine life. 

The two embryos/baby/ies first picture.

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