Monday, September 9, 2013

Pre-Test Nerves

Remember back when you were in college and mid-terms were approaching? Remember going through your class syllabi and noting which classes had tests you had to study for and which had papers that you could whip out last minute? Remember the nerves as you walked in to a core class thinking that you were no way prepared for the test and there goes your whole college career?

That is so not me right now! Not going to lie, I am a titch nervous, but I'm mostly excited to know that no matter what the result is I've got great IP's on my side who will work with whatever tomorrow brings. I wouldn't say I'm peaceful about the whole thing, but I'm glad to know tomorrow will NOT be a repeat of last February's situation with my IP's. Positive or negative, I'll be able to talk with them about the results.

I'm done with this negative bit! On to fun stuff...

I'm so glad that I switched my PIO shot to the night. I've been sleeping with a heating pad on the injection site which is helping TREMENDOUSLY with the soreness and bruising. I'm still icing the heck out of the spot first so I don't feel the injection much. I do still have bruises up and down my thighs, but they are much smaller than the golf ball sized ones I was getting.

I've had a few foot and leg craps over the past couple of days. B advised me to drink pickle juice to help with those, and although I haven't gone straight for the juice, I have been eating pickles. (No, pickles are not a pregnancy craving of mine. I just really love pickles and now I have an excuse to eat them!)

I'm still cramping, however, I've been able to get out of the fetal position. I am working my normal hours without much interruption or discomfort.

My water intake is still insanely high, which causes many trips to the restroom. Thankfully, my coworkers are really great and just laugh at me as I need to be excused every hour!

I am so thankful that the infection in my fingers that I experienced last January did not come back this time around! My nails and cuticles  look great, actually! (Not sure if I blogged about that little problem last time. Four of my finger nails became painfully infected during my last transfer. No one really knows why this happened or what caused it, we just know it coincided with the start of Lupron and wouldn't go away until I was put on an antibiotic. It took a few weeks to clear up.)

Anyway, all of this to say we will know by this time tomorrow if the fun symptoms I have mentioned will continue for a while or if we will start over next cycle.  Keep praying for a little miracle!

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