Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hello Hormones!

Good news! My hormones are working well. Just what everyone wants to hear, right? I'm not a big crier unless something is happening to one of my loved ones. Since the babies have been born I haven't really felt the need to just let go with a good ol' "Steel Magnolias" kind of cry. And then last night hit. 

I think the cumulation of stress about the babies' early arrival and their roller coaster of health, the shock and recovery of a c-section, along with having to go to my parent's home and sort through the belongings of my dad and say goodbye to their house (it is sold, closing later this month) finally hit and just came exploding out with lots of tears. Since then, my emotions have been more at the surface than usual for me. I'm allowed. 

Today, I am a bit more sensitive than usual, but I'm okay. I'm not crying over every little thing, but snuggles and hugs are definitely on the menu for me. 

A nice thing today was a visit with B & R and the babies. The babies are 8 days old today, or at the 33 weeks gestation. The girls and I went up to the hospital to drop off milk from the past couple of days of pumping and to check on everybody. I enjoyed seeing the babies today and hearing about their progress. They look so good! The boys are both eating right around 1 oz each per feeding. They aren't needing the blue bili lights right now and have started some physical therapy to work on range of motion and flexibility. They look so good! 

Tired Cohen after his PT session

Brady taking a nap after lunch

Other good news is that in the last couple of days I have lost about 6 lbs of pure fluid. My little sausages, er feet, are looking a lot better than they have in the past week. I'm not quite back in my pre-pregnancy clothes or weight yet, but I am pretty stinkin' close! While my tummy has a bit to go, I'm not worried about it as I'm not allowed to do anything strenuous on my abs yet. So, with the almost 8 pounds of baby weight, plus the 6 pounds of water weight, plus however much other stuff was taken out of me during the delivery, I'm close to where I was 8 months ago. 

I'm feeling pretty good, so that is also a blessing. My tummy does still hurt a bit, but I am staying with my ibuprofen and Tylenol until the pain is almost all gone. I am not taking the big pain meds anymore, and I am very thankful for that. They made me a bit lightheaded, so I'm not missing them. 

Not a bad update, all in all. Hormones are on overtime, my feet are feeling and looking better, and most importantly, the babies are doing wonderfully well! Thank God for little miracles!

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