Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Different Perspective

Today is my birthday. Every year I try to do one thing different than I normally would on my birthday. I know, its a little cheesy, but I figure that it's my day, my rules. 

So this year for my birthday, I am going to go against the contract I signed a year ago (hey, we've been to court already. That thing is done, right?). I've been working with B & R for a little over a year now, and they are both encouraging me to use their names and post pics. 

In case you are wondering, the reason I have not posted any of their pictures and have just used their initials is due to our contract we all signed with the Agency. I was advised by our lawyer to just use initials (actually, she suggested that I not even use their real initials) in all forms of social media and public areas. I have a couple of friends who knew their real names and identities, but we kept it limited to a few, just in case. 

Hey, think about it. A year ago I had a letter from them and one phone call to base my entire opinion on. I didn't know if this was something they would be okay with, didn't know how strict they were going to be on the whole contract thing, and frankly, Shawn and I didn't want to be held financially liable for the next 18 years for their children, should they chose to sue us over breach of contract or whatever it would end up being. We now know both of them well enough to know they would never sue us for this, and besides, it was their idea to have me include their names and likenesses in my blog! 

With that being said, I'd like to introduce the entire "A Miracle or Two" blog reading audience my good friends and the parents of Cohen and Brady, B & R, better known as Brad and Rodney. 

I have a few pics of the four of us as we've traveled along this journey and I'd also like to share them here as well:

This picture was taken just after the transfer when I was about 1 hour pregnant. It was three days after we all met for the first time in Connecticut. The beginning of an amazing journey! 

The new family together for the first time at 13 days old.

Court day! The boys are officially and legally recognized as Brad and Rodney's!

Not the best pic, but we were having fun! The four of us went to see the Minnesota RollerGirls. Yes, Brady and Cohen, while you were getting bigger in the hospital, I did my best to keep your parents entertained by bringing them to see roller derby. :-) 

Wow, its strange to actually be using names instead of initials. I've been using initials on my blog for over a year now. Even before writing this post I asked other surrogates what they have done with their blogs and on Facebook. It seems like things are pretty split among surrogates with the initials or fake initials on one side and the "hey, its my blog and only people I know are reading it so I'm going to write whatever I want" on the other. I'm somewhere in the middle as I know I've given out my blog info to people I know, but I have given others permission to share it.  

It's been an amazing journey that, for Brady, Cohen, Brad, and Rodney has just begun. My big part of this journey is coming to a close as the babies get bigger and will soon be released from the hospital. Very soon after that, they all will go to their home far away and my part in their lives will be reduced to the occasional visits, emails, and texts. The circle of this surrogacy journey will be complete and successful. I look forward to seeing how their family grows with each new milestone and year. And to think this all started with the hope, dream, and wish for a miracle or two...
My first time holding both of the babies. Best birthday present ever. :-)

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