Sunday, March 30, 2014

What a Difference a Week Makes!

Last Sunday I was pregnant. This Sunday I am not! So much has happened in one amazing week! 

Brady and Cohen have had their ups and downs. That will happen with premature babies. Overall, they are doing so very well! 

Cohen under his bili light.

Brady wearing his designer bili mask.

On Thursday, my OB came in to discharge me from the hospital. She talked with me about the delivery and how I was doing. We talked about what to expect as I heal from a c-section. She also talked with me about having another baby, either as a surrogate or one of my own. She said that she would be okay with me having another one and I would be a good candidate for a VBAC, but if I were to carry twins again it would be an automatic c-section. I was glad to hear that I could safely carry again. This was a concern of mine this week.

The pumping is going really well. I've been able to not only keep up but get ahead of where the boys are with their feedings. 

One big thing that has changed in the past week is that I almost have a waist again! With my past two pregnancies I was back to my "normal" clothes in about a week. Well, this recovery has been a bit more challenging just because of the c-section and carrying twins, so I wasn't expecting to be back to my prepregnancy right away. However, I'm starting to see my waist coming back to where I know it to be.

The other crazy thing is that for the past 5 days I've been experiencing some swelling in my legs and feet. That's right, I am now the proud owner of cankles. Ouch! I've been told that because of the large amounts of fluids I was given before, during, and after the delivery is the likely cause of the swelling. It should go away sometime in the next week or so. In the meantime, I'm accepting that my shoe selection is drastically limited to just my slip on BOB's and some day I will be able to wear other shoes. 

Shawn and I had quite a bit of fun on Friday night. We went to a musical and ran into a bunch of people we know after the show. Some had heard I was pregnant, others knew I was a surrogate and had delivered on Monday. It was fun to see the many reactions of people as we chatted with them. One person came up to us and offered her congratulations. She said "wow, twins! Life is really going to change, huh?" I replied, "no, not really." She gave me a look that said I must be delusional, and said "well, with two little girls and now twin boys, you are bound to have many changes come to your house." I just said no, it shouldn't change our house much. I waited for her look of confusion to cross her face and then said "you know I'm a surrogate, right? We aren't keeping to boys ourselves." 

We had quite a few conversations like this after the show. They gave us good laughs that evening!

I've been able to see the boys several times since leaving the hospital. The hard part is that I'm not supposed to drive right now as I'm on several pain meds. As soon as I'm off the big guns, I should be back behind the wheel and able to visit the babies a bit easier. 

B & R have been great, sending me pics of the boys every day and letting me know how they are doing. It's been so nice receiving these updates so I can see them even when I'm not actually there to visit.

I hope to see the boys a few times this week. It's so amazing to see how they change every day. They are amazing little miracles!

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