Sunday, April 13, 2014

Grandmas, Followers, Milk, and an Incision

Brady and Cohen had another first: they were treated with a wonderful visit this weekend from two of their grandmas. I am so glad that the boys were able to get some grandma snuggles in! We had dinner last night for us to meet the grandmas as well. Unfortunately, the restaurant was a bit loud so we didn't get to chat much, but I am glad they were able to come up and visit the babies. It was also nice for me to meet them. It is wonderful to know that these little guys will be loved by so many! Tiny babies are so wonderful to see as they don't stay tiny long!

The grandmas went back home today, so I am guessing they got in as many snuggles with the boys before they flew away. Don't worry, Granny and Grams, it won't be long until the boys are home and you will be able to cuddle them as much as you want!

Our family was able to go to church today. This may not seem a big deal, but with me on bed rest for a couple of months and not feeling well prior to that, its been a while since we were able to attend our church. When we walked through the door we were greeted by friends. Shawn and I were asked many questions by people about the babies, B & R, how I am doing, and just general "how are you?" I found out later that while I had shared my blog with a couple of people, MANY people know about this blog! I think that's wonderful that so many caring people are able to be supportive and follow along with our amazing adventure!

Things are going really well with Cohen and Brady. They are both learning how to eat with a bottle. Some feedings they do wonderfully well, others they are tired and just not into sucking their bottles. This is all to be expected and right where they are supposed to be. They will get it when they get it! Every baby does things in their own way, at their own pace. Learning how to feed isn't hindering their growth at all. The boys are over 4 1/2 pounds each! Way to grow, little guys!

Brady & his Daddy's ring.

I was just sent a message letting me know that Brady is officially 1 pound over his birth weight now and weighing 4 pounds 10.5 ounces! Cohen has made great gains and is now 4 pounds 9.7 ounces! Way to thrive, little men!

I'm glad the boys are gaining weight so well. It means that the breast milk I'm producing is working for them. :-) I've kind of backed off the intense pumping schedule every three hours and am more laid back about it. Now, I pump when my body tells me it is time to pump. This is about every 2 1/2 hours during the day and 4ish hours at night, but it does provide me with a bit of freedom and allows a tad more sleep at night (I'm not as young as I used to be and need my sleep!). It seems like my body is adapting to this more easy going schedule as my production is maintaining the supply it has been providing. As long as the babies are being fed and I am able to meet their ever growing demands for sustenance, I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing. 

All right, now the incision part of this blog entry. For some reason, my silly incision scar has been rather painful the past couple of days. Shawn thinks its because I've been overdoing it. I don't think I've been overdoing it, but I do acknowledge that I have been doing a lot. I'm trying to keep to the 10 pound weight limit, and I will admit that occasionally, I may go a bit beyond that. I do not intentionally lift things that I am not supposed to, but I do know it happens every once in a while. Unfortunately, with two small children, I do occasionally get run into by my children. Their adorable little heads and appendages are at waist height, which happens to be where my scar is. I'm working on blocking the advances of my kids before they collide with me. To help with the pain and swelling going on my tummy, I'm pretty much living in yoga pants with a Bella Band for compression because they are easy on my scar. I know it will get better as time goes on so I'm not worried about it. (Of course immediately after I typed this, a small person fell into me... Ouch!)

I thought I would close today's entry with one last belly pic. There is still more to this journey, and I will continue to write about it, but I think its time to close out the "bump" portion of things. You can see the slight swelling from the incisions, but all of the babies'  bump is gone! The bump, the swelling, the incision - they are all worth it. There are two beautiful miracles as results of them all!

Three weeks post-delivery. 

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