Friday, April 11, 2014

Happy Babies!

I've noticed that the recent posts have been about me or random surrogacy drama that has surrounded me. I think this blog needs some pics of adorable, happy little babies. Since I visited the boys this morning, I just happen to have some new pics of just such kiddos!

A very tired Brady has been busy learning to drink from a bottle. He has the drinking part, he's just got to learn how to breathe while doing so. Hey, that's a lot of work for such a little guy! I love his sleepy smile. :-)

Ah, Cohen. I held him for a good chunk of my visit today, and it was only after I gave him back to his daddy that he decided to wake up and show us his beautiful eyes! Such a sweet punkin'!

The boys are doing so well. They both are gaining weight and are almost up to 4 1/2 lbs each! That might not seem like a big deal to some, but when you think back to how tiny they both were when they made their initial appearances, this is huge! 

Seeing them in their cribs is adorable. Much better than the isolette. Each day brings them closer to having the health and skills they need to go home. They are wonderful little miracles!

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