Friday, April 4, 2014

Milking It For All It's Worth

"Hi, my name is Shawnee and I produce milk for tiny people."

That's right, my good ol' Medela pump is back in the game. Thankfully, it's working well as several times a week I am able to bring 70-100 oz of milk to the hospital for the boys' feedings. 

I'm producing around 40 oz a day, and the boys are being fed a bit over 1 oz with each feeding right now. They eat 8 times a day, so you do the math. The hard part of the whole feeding equation is never knowing when a baby is going to bump up another half an ounce or more! Growth spurts are fun to judge the amount a baby needs!

8 ounces of "Liquid Gold."

I am so not complaining about pumping and delivering the milk. It gives me a chance to see these amazing little people who have been a part of my life for the past 8+ months. I also get to visit with B & R, too. :-) And, breast feeding/pumping is good for my body, too. Not only does it burn lots of calories, but studies have shown that it can also reduce the risk of breast cancer. With my crazy family history of cancers, I'm doing all I can to reduce whatever risks I am able! (Dad, mother, brother, aunt, and daughter have all had cancer or pre-cancer in the past 5 years). So I'm pumping away! 

I can't believe how much the babies have changed in the past 11 days! Cohen and Brady look wonderful, just tiny. I was a little giddy when I saw Brady this morning. He was asleep in his isolette and he was wearing clothes! The last time I saw him he was just in a diaper and his mittens, but, oh, how cute in his striped jammies! And true to Brady's nature, he was moving all over the place, even while he slept! 

Brady holding my finger as he slept.

I then checked on Cohen, asleep in B's arms, and he, too was wearing jammies. So stinkin' adorable! 

B let me hold Cohen while I was visiting and Cohen rewarded me with an adorable smile before snuggling off to sleep. 

Just one of Cohen's many smiles

It's so nice to see the boys and to visit with their parents. I'm enjoying the time we all have together before we all have to figure out what normal is again. Let's not think about that yet, shall we? I know it's going to happen and for now I'm going to enjoy the time we all have. I'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

A quick note about me: I'm feeling great! I'm currently down to just Tylenol a couple of times a day, so pain-wise, things are fabulous. I'm about 5 lbs over my pre baby weight (don't hate) and I'm losing about 1 lb a day. I had a LOT of water weight from all the silly IVs given to me on the 24th that I'm attempting to get rid of (too bad there wasn't pain meds in any of it!). I have no idea how much fluid was given to me that morning, but I know they were pumping it in to me as fast as they could. Pre-pregnant jeans are back on, but shirts are a different issue all together. :-)  I still have quite a bit of internal swelling from the internal stitches, so my tummy has a bit of a cliff effect to it, which I'm attempting to reduce the visual effects of with a maternity belt. I'm trying to stick with my 10 lb weight limit, but I realized today that I honestly have no idea how much 10 lbs is! A gallon of milk? A basket of laundry? My "mom" purse filled with snacks and an iPad? Hmm... Where does one draw the line? 

Things are going better than I could have hoped. Other than the silly snow that was dumped on us last night, things are looking great! I'm so thankful for miracles!

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