Monday, April 28, 2014

A Change of Plans

Ah, Cohen. He really likes to do things his own way and in his own time. He is such a sweetheart that it's impossible to be frustrated with him.

Everyone was planning on Cohen's discharge from the hospital today, but Cohen had other plans. Yesterday, he had a bit of a spell that required medical attention, so this means Cohen will not be discharged today. He's just fine today and hasn't had any issues since. The doctor and NPs have said he will be in the NICU anywhere from 3-7 days (depending on who you talk to and when). Of course, everything is dependent on Cohen and how his little body matures. 

Annalies and I visited the hospital today. Upon seeing Brady, Annalies quickly ran over to him and started talking to him. Thankfully, she's not one to just reach out and touch babies. She's very content to smile, talk, and wave to babies. Annalies had a lot of fun playing with Rodney while Brad and I went to see Cohen.

While we were visiting, Cohen started fussing. Brad was feeding Brady at the time so I was able to hold Cohen and settle him down. I love that Cohen is a snuggler and enjoys being cuddled! So wonderful! And he's so tiny that he just fits in your arms perfectly. Ahh, happiness.

Anyway, with Cohen's new little hiccup, we will not be going to the agency or Dr Wagner tomorrow. We can save those trips for a better time. 

I can hardly believe that it's been 5 weeks since Brady and Cohen arrived. It's gone by so fast, hasn't it? So much has happened in the past five weeks: court, a couple of trips to the Minnesota State Capitol, a thingy at St Thomas School of Law... 

Speaking of all of this legal stuff, there is another surrogacy legal thing, this time at the White House. Apparently, there are a bunch of insurance companies that think it's okay to have surrogacy exclusions in their policy so they don't have to cover the maternity care in a surrogate pregnancy. I don't think this is right. If everyone who reads this blog would please go to and sign this petition, I would appreciate it. It's not asking you to give money or write a letter. You just need to give your contact info and then click a button. Thank you for your help with this!

Anyway, Cohen is doing really well, Brady is doing fabulous out of the hospital with his parents, Brad and Rodney are rolling with the punches, and I'm still pumping up a storm. After all, we've got to keep these small miracles growing!

Everyone has a freezer full of milk, right? :-)

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