Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Packing Day

Today was the big day. Packing day. No, I'm not moving. My packing was aimed specifically at my maternity clothes. 

Yes, I am officially back in my pre-pregnancy clothes. (Don't hate). 

I was feeling a bit melancholy as I washed and packed away the clothes that covered my burgeoning belly these past sixish months. I always get this way as I pack up the maternity clothes. It's a bit bittersweet to put away the clothes from such an important, yet short event in my life. Have I mentioned that I really enjoy being pregnant?

I didn't go to the hospital today, but I have heard from B & R. They said that the boys have been moved to cribs! Yeah! That's a big move for them! The great thing about them being in cribs is that they both were able to maintain their body temps while in their cribs. Big growth for them!

Also, Brady also started on a bottle last night. Go Brady! The plan was to start Cohen on a bottle today as well.  Huge steps in the right direction for both of the boys!

R sent me a couple of pics with both the boys in the same crib. I am so happy to see them together again! 

Cohen's cute grin as he snuggles his brother.

Brady on the left, Cohen on the right.

Cohen in the blue hat, Brady in the striped. 

I'm so happy the boys are doing well. It's been a crazy couple of weeks with these little guys. Thankfully, their battles have been small and mostly forward. They are both over 4 lbs now, which is great! They've come a long way in the last two weeks! Way to thrive, guys!

Flourishing with small miracles!

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