Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pictures, Fun Visits, and a Setback

Say cheese! Today was the babies' first photo shoot! The hospital has a photographer that comes to the babies' room and takes their first itty bitty pics. The babies are itty bitty, not the pics. :-) It was fun to be there for the pictures. Having been through the whole process of taking newborn pictures, I know that it can either be a lot of fun with a content baby or a very trying time with cranky baby. Remember, we are dealing with two babies here, so it could have gone either way. I am happy to report that both of the little guys cooperated with the pics and they turned out great! I'm not going to post any of their pics here. I want Brad and Rodney to be able to share them as they see fit.

With a weekend coming up and Cohen's possible discharge (more about that later) I asked the guys if they would like me to call Dr Wagner and see if she could come over to the hospital for a visit and a picture. I had to laugh at the clinic receptionist's response to my phone call. Here's a bit of how that all transpired: 
AJ (the receptionist): Clinic Sofia, how may I help you?
Me: Hi, AJ, this is Shawnee (And yes, I have talked with her so many times I know her voice. It goes both ways, she knows me as well). I have a strange question for you. The babies I had a month ago are hopefully going to go home soon. One of them was discharged last week, the other will hopefully get to be discharged tomorrow. This means the babies will then go home to Oklahoma sometime over the weekend. My question is this, is there any way Dr Wagner could come over to the NICU so we all could get a quick picture with her before they leave the state?
AJ: (long pause)?You want who to do what?
Me: I want Dr Wagner to come over to the NICU for a quick visit with the babies and a picture if she has any time available today or tomorrow.
AJ: Hmm, I've never heard this question before. Most people just bring the babies in at their six week visit.
Me: Well, if they go home over the weekend, that won't work for us. My appointment is on Tuesday and they will be in Oklahoma by then. 
AJ: Let me talk with Dr Wagner's nurse and I will get back with you. 

I thought the whole conversation was funny. You may have had to hear her confused tone to really get the chuckle out of it. 

Anyway, Dr Wagner was able to come over during lunch to say hi and to see the babies again. It was nice to see her and to let her see the babies. Of course, we grabbed a pic with her as well. 
The "Dream Team: Minnesota." Brady is in blue, Cohen in the white.

She appropriately ooh'd and ahh'd over the boys and wished the new family well. She's been great through the entire pregnancy and was amazing during the labor and delivery. I'm very thankful she was on our side through this journey. 

I'm going to side track away from today's events for just a moment and share some happy pics from last night. We invited Brady over to his first dinner party and he kindly asked his dads to drive. After everyone with teeth enjoyed food and Brady had a nap, it was baby holding time! Shawn held Brady for the first time. He had a couple of opportunities to hold the boys while I was in the hospital and when we would go to the hospital to visit, but the small size of the boys and all of their tubes and wires was a little intimidating.

I have been reminding Shawn that our Natalie was smaller when she was born than where the boys are now. Funny how you forget how small your own children were when you are holding someone else's child! It's always nice to see your husband holding a baby, right? :-)

Of course, our girls were begging to hold Brady as well. Of course, they were well supervised and they both did a great job being gentle while holding Brady. 

Natalie was so proud to hold Brady! She loves babies and was glad she was finally allowed to touch him. Natalie had visited the hospital just a few times and was then given instructions to look but not touch. As Natalie was holding Brady, Annalies started asking "How about me?" She wanted to hold him, too. 

 As you can see, Annalies was ecstatic that she was finally allowed to touch Brady. These past 5 1/2 weeks she has accompanied me to the hospital several times a week but she hasn't been allowed to come in to the NICU and see the babies (Hospital policy that children under 5 are not allowed in the NICU). She's mostly been okay with this as Rodney would spend some time with her in the waiting room. There were a few days that she was not happy she wasn't able to go back to where the boys were, but it was because she was just anxious to see them out of my tummy. Since Brady has been out of the hospital, Annalies has seen Brady a few times in his car seat, but I've encouraged her not to touch Brady, just talk with him. Last night may have been her dream come true by actually touching Brady. It was a really nice night for all of us. 

So, back to today. After Sunday's little setback with Cohen, we all knew that he was going to be in the hospital for another 5ish days. He hasn't had any more of his apnea issues since the episode last Sunday. That being said, we all were anticipating his release tomorrow. However, today the doctor came in to talk with Brad and Rodney about Cohen's progress. Let's just say that the news she gave was not what anyone was expecting to hear. Basically, she said that Cohen needs to mature a bit more regarding his feedings and that he will be in the hospital a few more days. 

Rough, right? Little Cohen is doing really well, over all. He had his NG tube removed yesterday and looks so adorable without it! 
Cohen, tube-less!

So, even though Brad, Rodney, Shawn, and I were all anticipating Cohen's release from the NICU tomorrow and their family moving back home sometime over the weekend, plans all are being revised. Shawn and I are waiting to see what will go on with their family and then see where we can help them out. As I have said to a number of people, I am not planning on going back to work until they are all safely back at their home (no offense, SonShine, but I'm not in a big rush to go back to work).

 We all will make the best of the situation. Rodney said today that he is willing to stay as long as he needs if it means the boys are healthy. Brad, unfortunately, does have obligations at home and work that he is trying to figure out, one way or another. I've told them that I am more than willing to assist with whatever they need during this crazy time until Cohen can break out of the hospital and go home. 

That's the latest with the boys. It was a fun day with the boys, despite the unfortunate news from the doctor. I enjoyed snuggling Brady for a big chunk of the day as well, and spending time with Cohen, Rodney, and Brad is always a lot of fun. I really love spending time with small miracles!

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