Tuesday, November 26, 2013

15 Weeks, Leg Cramps, and a Dance Party!

I can't believe I'm 15 weeks along! This pregnancy has flown by so fast! We are going to be holding these babies so soon...  I'm excited to meet B & R's little ones!

As I said in my previous post, I'm feeling really good. This continues to hold true as the nausea seems to be held at bay. I've been without Zofran for almost a week now, which is yet another milestone I'm going to celebrate! (Although there really wasn't anything negative with the Zofran, it's still one less pill to take.)

With my last two pregnancies I had nights of horrible leg cramps. They would wake not only me up but my husband up as well. Apparently, that is just one of the ways my body adjusts to pregnancy as I've been experiencing some mild cramps the past few nights. Nothing horrible, just enough to wake me up and stretch my legs until they go away. I guess I need more pickles, right B? 

As for the dance party, today I was giving one baby a bottle and rocking two crabby babies when I noticed movement. Woo hoo! I've been waiting for this ever since I received the positive pregnancy test. I love feeling the babies move, it's such an amazing feeling to know they are in there and okay. The dance party continued for a little over an hour, so I'm assuming that it is nap time now. All is quiet for now.

Getting excited about little miracles!

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