Monday, November 4, 2013

The Last and the First

It was a big day for me and the babies! I'll start with our Last.

Today marks the last day of first trimester medications! Yeah! No more daily progesterone in oil shots into my thigh, no more daily doses of estrogen tablets, no more progesterone vaginal suppositories... I'm DONE!!! Big time happy here!

As for our First, today was the first of many upcoming OB appointments. B & R picked me up and brought me to my appointment. I'm so glad they were there! What started out as fairly routine quickly turned into an adventurous appointment! Let me recap:

 Dr Wagner entered and introduced herself to all of us (yes, I've met her before, but B & R hadn't). She asked if I would be alright if we checked the fetal heart sounds right away because her ultrasound tech wanted to leave but the doctor wanted her to wait "just in case." I quickly hopped up on the table (I love listening to babies heartbeats!) and Dr Wagner started moving the Doppler over my belly. Hmm, where were the babies?

After several minutes of not finding any heartbeats, Dr Wagner cheerfully said "that's why I wouldn't let her go! You get an ultrasound!" And off she went to find the tech.

To be perfectly honest, my heart was sinking at that announcement. On one hand ultrasounds are fun as they give you a sneak peak to see what's going on inside. On the other hand, those silly dopplers are pretty good at picking up heartbeats. Could something possibly be wrong with the babies? We should have heard them by now!

Thankfully, I only had a minute or two to wait and internally freak out. (I think I kept my composure during all of this.) We were quickly led to another room, I was reclining on a table and warm goo was quickly spread across my tummy (my OB always heats her gels. Just one thing I love about my clinic!). The ultrasound wand thingy was quickly placed on the goo across my tummy and, schwoo! There were two very active babies on the screen! Ahh! Yes!

She checked the heart rates (153 & 167 beats per minute), measured them (both right on track at about 2 inches each crown to rump, dating 12 weeks gestation and 12 weeks 1 day gestation), and took a few other measurements of the "Twin Peaks" and the placenta.

Back in the room, Dr Wagner talked with us about various tests that are possible to run at different times of the pregnancy, what the upcoming doctors visits look like until birth, answered all of our random questions, and then talked to us a bit about twin deliveries.

After we left I think all three of us were pretty excited. It's fabulous and comforting to know that the babies are healthy and on the right track. We all feel very comfortable with Dr Wagner and appreciate her approach to pregnancy and labor/delivery. The next six months are going to fly by!

Now, I need to totally be a girl for a minute. I was kind of giddy when Dr Wagner pulled out a chart of healthy weight gain during a pregnancy and said "I think I would put you just in the underweight category, so I would like you to gain between 35-50 healthy pounds during this pregnancy." Holy cow... Did she just say "underweight?" I've NEVER been called underweight in my life! Healthy, yes. Curvy, often. Athletic, sometimes. But underweight? Whoa nelly! The body conscious magazine reading woman in me felt pretty good about being classified as anything but "healthy" or even "overweight." Seriously, what woman would protest about that one? 

There is a flip side to this. Did you hear how much weight I'm supposed to be putting on? 35-50 lbs. My 6 year old doesn't weigh 50 lbs! That's a lot of baby weight to accumulate! I think I may have a challenge on my hands. 

In case you are wondering, I gained 11 lbs with Natalie and 18 lbs with Annalies. Not on purpose, it's just how my body decided to do things with my girls. And yes, I did eat while pregnant. Boy, did I ever! With Natalie I craved crinkle cut fries from Culver's and Burger King Whoppers. Annalies' I craved watermelon and loaded baked potatoes. These babies are changing my diet by the day, so I can't really nail down a specific craving yet. I still have a list of foods I can't eat, along with having to eat light foods prior to mid afternoon, but that's about it-food wise.

So, that was our day. I had fun, and judging from all of the acrobatics we witnessed on the ultrasound, the babies enjoyed it, too.

Just a glimpse of little miracles.

The last of the first trimester drugs- progesterone in oil (shot), progesterone suppositories (yellow capsules), and estrogen tablets (blue tablets.) These were just a small part of my daily med routine for the past 4 months.

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