Sunday, November 24, 2013

Feeling Good

Wow. Today has been great. For the first Sunday in I don't know how long I felt good enough to go to church. For the past month or so I've had horrible nausea and lightheadedness that I haven't been able to much of anything.

Today, I successfully made it to church and didn't even have to take a Zofran! Score a big one for me!

I'm not willing to say that I am completely nausea-free. I've been pregnant enough to know that each day can bring new symptoms and new experiences. But, I am optimistic enough to say that I think I may be over the worst of the nausea! 

As for the lightheaded stuff, from my experience, this symptom will probably linger throughout the pregnancy. I have more blood flowing throughout my system and if I get up too fast or change positions quickly the blood may not have time enough to get where it needs to go to keep me balanced. 

I am well experienced in the slow stand from a reclined position. It's quite humorous, really. Watching me get up from laying down in bed is even more amusing! I affectionately call it the "beached whale roll." I have to roll over to the edge of the bed with a half roll to sit where I stay for a minute or so and then a final stand. It gets even more hilarious the larger I get throughout the pregnancy.

All of that to say I'm feeling really good today. It's so nice to have an appetite back. My husband has noticed that he no longer gets to eat the second half of my meals and is missing the extra bites. :-) I'm feeling so good, I might bake some more bread! (And in case you are wondering, yes, I did have balsamic cukes and tomatoes with lunch today!)

Feeling good with small miracles.

14 weeks 5 days

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