Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Small Victories

This might not seem like a big deal to some, but to me this is huge: I was able to brush my teeth this morning without vomiting. Yeah, me! 

I am starting to feel a bit better the past couple of days. Yesterday, I was nauseous for about 40 minutes as I was getting ready for work. Thankfully, it went away before too long. Today, I've been slightly queasy, but everything has stayed down today! Score!

My energy is starting to come back as well. I had another student conference last night, then dinner with my girls and bed time for them. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go to bed as laundry needed to be done. After three loads, I went to bed. It feels so good to get something accomplished in the day. Granted, it's not a lot, but at least it's something.

Two nights ago I was in a baking mood (my form of nesting) so I made some Amish White Bread. Shawn made a comment that I should take a picture of the loaves in the oven and put it on Facebook. As I posted the pic, one of my friends made a comment about how cute that would be to announce a twin pregnancy. Hee hee hee. Obviously, he's not a close friend or he wouldn't have made the comment (I haven't said anything on Facebook yet). Shawn and I had a good laugh about it.

Anyway, I'm counting today's dental hygiene victory as a good sign that things are looking up! 

Small miracles are big victories.

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