Friday, November 8, 2013

A Day of Rest

By day I've been a Toddler teacher for the past couple of years. This past week my director approached me and said that she's noticing my pregnancy is definitely showing. She's concerned about how I will be able to handle the upcoming months with 7 30+ lb two years olds, half of which I am potty training. 

This is a very logical concern. After thinking about it for a moment I realized that yes, I will probably need assistance in my job as I get bigger. 

My director proposed that I change from a Toddler teacher to the teacher in our Infant 1 program. I would have 3-4 babies ranging in age anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months. They, in theory, are lighter than my toddlers and I should be able to sit with them and be off my feet a bit more.

I agreed to the change only to find myself in the Infant room the next day. Oh well. Crash course introduction to my new class.

I'm thankful to say that Thursday went rather well. I enjoyed my time with the babies and am glad to say things went really well with them. They present their own challenges, of course. Each baby has their own likes, dislikes, and preferences. I've been in their class a few times so I had some intro to them. (B & R - If I can handle 4 babies, you will be able to do two with no problems! I've got some great tips!)

After my 8 hour day with the babies I felt pretty good. The one thing I noticed is that even though the babies are much lighter than the older kids, the amount of times I had to lift them did cause me quite a bit of back pain. I'm hoping that I'm just not used to lifting anyone anymore, and that my back would get used to the repetitive lifting.

That being said, this morning I left for work by myself as my girls were having trouble moving. I met the parents of my new class and chatted with them for a few moments while the babies were being dropped off. 

And then my morning changed. My hubby sent me a message that Annalies was ill and I needed to come home. So, I've been home this morning snuggling my "Bug" as she fights whatever her little body is dealing with.

Honestly, this week has been such a busy week that it think it just caught up with her. I've had parent teacher conferences two nights, we had Natalie's conference with her kindergarten teacher, dance class, Natalie's birthday, I had a last minute staff meeting, school photos... Crazy! I think that Annalies was just tired and caught something, and perhaps she knew mommy could use a day off as well. And, as any parent or grandparent knows, there is nothing more relaxing and soothing than holding a snugly child, even if they are ill.

Anyway, my girls, the babies, and I are having a chill day at home. The girls are in jammies, I'm hanging out in yoga pants that still fit :-) and we are enjoying some Veggie Tales on the couch. 

It's pleasant hanging out with small miracles!

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