Sunday, December 1, 2013

Be Gentle!

"Be gentle" has pretty much been my mantra lately. I sound like quite the broken record, really. 

It's been quite the weekend. We had a lovely Thanksgiving with my in-laws and then visiting with some out of town friends. 

Later that night, Shawn and I woke up around 2am to our two-year old coughing with what we know as croup. My girls tend to get croup a couple of times a year for no particular reason, so we are well schooled in home treatments of croup. This time was a bit different as we were staying at Shawn's parents' house and were without the comforts of home and the well-stocked medicine cabinet that goes along with it.

To add to the excitement, a couple of hours later she broke out with a high fever. I sent Shawn to the store for some acetaminophen while I tried to provide whatever comfort I could.

I know, long story, right? Well, unfortunately, she's been battling the same cough/breathing issues all weekend, and has been fighting the crazy high fever as well. When my kids aren't feeling well they tend to be very snugly. Snuggles are wonderful, however, Annalies is little enough to not understand that she can't push on mommy's tummy. She likes sitting in my lap so she can rest her head on my chest, but the baby bump makes this a bit more challenging for her. She is often told to "be gentle" to mommy! Those tiny hands and feet can be quite pokey and hard! Shawn and I often tell her to be gentle as she's attempting to climb into a comfortable spot.

I've started reminding her that there are babies in my tummy and we have to be gentle with the babies. That she seems to get a bit. Well, until the next time she crawls into my lap and I have to remind her!

I'm still feeling pretty good. My 16 week appointment is Tuesday afternoon, so we will see how the babies and I are doing. My appetite has been pretty good, so that's a wonderful thing. The nausea is all but gone and for that alone I am so very thankful. I'm now experiencing some discomfort with various positions I'm in. Laying on my back or even reclining streight back is very uncomfortable. The babies and everything growing in there with them puts pressure on random other organs still in my abdominal area. It can make for a most uncomfortable resting position. Sides are definitely better for me from here on out.

Life is really is good. The babies are getting bigger, as am I. In a few days we will get to hear their heartbeats again. Such a wonderful sound to hear from little miracles!

15 weeks 5 days

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