Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Well, That's a New One

I'm still feeling rather, oh, I don't know, intrigued by something that happened today. I was eating my lunch and enjoying it, when all of a sudden I had this feeling that I was going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom and sure enough, I lost my lunch. The strange part is once I put myself back together, I really wanted to finish the rest of my lunch. So it obviously wasn't something I ate.

The reason I was so intrigued by this is that for the past month and a half I've been nauseous to the point of Zofran and needing to take things easy. Today is the first time I've lost it. The funny thing is that I was feeling pretty good today on the nausea front. It just doesn't make sense. Feel good = praying to the porcelain god? Hmm...

I'm still crampy, still tired, achy back and hips (I can't wait to see how things are going to be when I'm huge!) so nothing has changed there. I know many women have horrible morning sickness and some even end up in the hospital due to it, so I'm really not complaining about my little issues. I'm just intrigued by it all.

Confusing little miracles (who apparently don't like school lunch tater tot casserole).

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