Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pregnancy Progress

Let's see... I'm 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant. This pregnancy is going by fast, it seems to me. I'm guessing if you asked B & R they would disagree. When you think about it, I'm almost a quarter of the way through this pregnancy. I'm guessing these babies will be born a bit before the 40 week mark, but I don't have a good feel for potential date yet.

Everything is going along well so far. I'm still not feeling baby movement yet, but that will come soon, especially with two of them in there. Without baby movement yet, there's not a lot to comment on, baby-wise. 

Pregnancy wise, I'm doing well. Still existing with nausea or morning sickness, food aversions, and lots of fatigue. Food cravings aren't extreme and they seem to change almost daily. I'm still favoring red meet over white meat. I really like lots of raw onions in my salads right now. All fruits are very happy things in my book (back to enjoying strawberries! Yeah!!!). Oh, and something totally new for me is my new appreciation of chocolate. I usually favor fruity candies, but lately I've been appreciating chocolates more.

One new thing I'm experiencing is some difficulty sleeping. Not just multiple bathroom trips, but I'm starting to have trouble finding a comfortable sleeping position. I tend to favor my left side, but whichever side I'm on I still have my heating pad to contend with.

Have I mentioned my heating pad? I'm still giving myself a daily progesterone shot. I've learned that after I give myself the shot it helps my legs to put the heating pad on the puncture site overnight. I sleep with a heating pad on my leg to give it maximum time to heat and thus absorb into the muscle and cause me less pain.

So, that's where we are right now. Next week will be another ultrasound, so I will have fun pictures to share.

I'm hanging out with the miracles!

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