Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Happy Doctor Appointment

This morning was my 10 week check and ultrasound. I was so excited for this appointment and couldn't wait to see the babies!

Shawn was able to come with me after all, which was a great thing. We were quickly checked in, I was weighed and measured (I'm up two pounds). Then, the doctor came in and asked how I'm doing, how's the nausea, and if I had any concerns. She also asked if B & R were coming. When I said no, she saw the phone in my hand and asked if I was going to FaceTime them. Well, yeah!

Shawn called B and asked if B was in a good place to FaceTime the appointment. Shawn put B through and B was able to watch the entire ultrasound!

Shawn attempted to FaceTime with R, however, one of the connections wasn't great, so we had to settle for videoing parts of the ultrasound and sending it that way. Shawn also text R with some of the info, so R was a part of the appointment as well.

All of that to say the babies are great! They were moving all over the place and really gave us a good show! Their heart rates are 164 & 169 beats per minute which is perfect for 10 week old babies. They are measuring at 9.5 weeks and 9.4 weeks, again perfect for where they are gestationally.

Everything is going so well and I couldn't be happier. I brought pictures to work and was able to show everyone that, yes, I really am carrying two babies. My coworkers are so excited and can't wait to find out their genders!

Miracles make me smile. :-)

Two different pics of the babies at 10 weeks.

I knew as soon as I hit publish I would hear from the clinic. I was right! 

Can I get a big "Woo Hoo!" I have my protocol for weaning off of the meds! That's just the cherry on top of my sundae (yum, sundae... With bananas and whip cream and hot fudge and nuts... Sorry, pregnant hormones talking here.) 

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