Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Joys of Early Pregnancy

Those wonderful scientists at Glaxo Smith Klein have my unending appreciation for developing Zofran. Without it, these early days of freakishly high hormones would have me completely out for the count. Morning (all day) sickness has been increasing daily, but thanks to my happy pills and a pile of crackers, I am functioning fairly well!

One thing I'm appreciating about morning sickness is the slight weight loss! Nothing dramatic, but hey, I'm not 22 anymore. Weight takes more effort to lose these years. A couple of pounds gone makes me pretty happy, especially when I realize that in the next six months I will be gaining a lot of weight, and not all of it will be babies! Lose it while I can, right?

Please believe me when I say I'm not trying to lose weight, it just happens during the first trimester for me. I am almost constantly munching on whatever sounds good at the moment to give me and the babies whatever nutrients we can get. Also, having a small bit of something in my stomach makes me less queasy. Today, my post lunch/pre-snack time munchies include mandarin oranges and broccoli with ranch dressing. Strange combo, I know, but as long as my stomach wants it I'm eating it! 

One slight humorous annoyance this morning happened while getting dressed. I attempted to put on a pair of jeans for work, but I was completely unable to button them! Not even just a little tight, the button and the hole had a good space between them! So off they went and on with the yoga pants! I'm not showing yet, but things are definitely getting tighter than I like to wear them!

Yesterday when I woke up, I informed my husband that my body pillow will be joining us in bed from now on. Oh, how my hips ached! So last night my big blue pillow made its way into bed with me and I'm please to report that I had no hip pain this morning! Good thing we have a bed big enough for the 3 of us! :-)

I think the only other thing I'm noticing about the early stage of pregnancy is how tired I get. I'm at work by 7 and stay until 2:45ish, go home in time to get my kindergardener off of the bus and then I usually give her some down time before she has to do anything. It's during this time that I try to sneak in a nap. The nap usually helps to get me to bedtime, but I will admit that I am usually ready to crash just as soon as I can. I recently stopped drinking my morning chai and am wondering if that could be causing some of the fatigue. If it is, well too bad. I know that too much caffeine (no one knows how much is too much) can lead to premature delivery, and as I'm carrying twins and my deliveries tend to be a bit on the early side anyway, I'm doing everything I can to help the babies develop as long as they can. :-)

I'm loving the round ligament stretching and the cramping. They tell me things are going well inside. Only a couple of times has it really hurt and then I just tell the babies to play nicely.

So, all of that to say things are going along just as they should. I'm enjoying the randomness of foods I seem to be eating these days. I'm not craving any one thing, but notice certain things sound good at various times. (For example, today I've had a plain blueberry bagel, chex mix, cantaloupe, broccoli chicken rice casserole, mandarin oranges, and broccoli with ranch. Strange, right? Oh, and I've washed it down with 75 oz of ice water). I can't wait to see what I eat this afternoon!

Fun little miracles!

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