Sunday, October 27, 2013

Twin Twists

Lately, the morning sickness has been decreasing. However, last night it came back with a vengeance and hasn't given up yet. It also brought a couple of friends with it: light-head and near-fainting.

After doing some research (aka consulting the google and webMD) these two new symptoms are fairly common with twin pregnancies. Oh joy.

Apparently, remedies include keeping hydrated (no problems there), sitting as much as possible, not standing or changing positions rapidly, and increasing my fat and protein intake. 

My diet has changed a little this past week. Instead of craving red meats, I've been craving fruits and some cheeses. Don't get me wrong, I still could eat a Chipotle steak burrito every day, but before and after that I want kiwi, peaches, bananas, grapefruit, etc.

Apparently, these babies need some crazy balance of red meat and fruit. Hmm. That might be a challenge. Maybe I'll start making smoothies again and see if a smoothie a day helps things out.

All of that to say, I'm having a very low-key day. Lots of sitting or reclining, books and craft projects with my kids that don't require much out of me (clay bead making, coloring) and some amazing help from my wonderful husband.

I've learned to do whatever I can when I can do it and let unimportant things go. It's not a bad way to live, really. My house doesn't have to be perfect, foods don't have to always be made from scratch, a tv show here and there isn't going to prevent my kids from getting into college. As long as everyone in my house is healthy, happy, and loved I think I'm doing a darn good job. (Just don't drop by unannounced!)

Taking care of miracles!

10 weeks 5 days 

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