Sunday, October 20, 2013

Oh, Hormones!

Oh, I've gotta love pregnancy hormones! The roller coaster of emotions, albeit mild emotions I'm experiencing. Still, emotions nonetheless.

I've had an irrational fear of my next ultrasound. On Tuesday, I will be exactly 10 weeks pregnant and will have another ultrasound to check to make sure everything is still going okay.

Unfortunately, I've had several friends who have recently had bad news at this ten week ultrasound. Either their babies didn't survive to this point or in cases of twins have been naturally reduced to a singleton. So maybe my fears haven't been all that irrational, just magnified because of my new knowledge.

For some reason, today I have had none of the worry or fear. I am very much at peace with this pregnancy and with whatever happens with the babies. I know everything will be okay. I haven't had any "bad" symptoms often associated with miscarriage. I'm still feeling about the same with the frequent morning sickness, light-headedness, and food aversions. Nothing has changed for me at all. I'm taking this as a good sign.

Gotta love these hormones!

One nice thing about the added hormones is the ability to need and enjoy the snuggles of my girls and hubby. My youngest woke up early from her nap today and wanted to cuddle with mommy. Me being the hormonally sensitive person I am, happily endulged her needs and enjoyed every minute of it! Kids grow up so fast and I've elated to enjoy as much of their young life as possible. Apparently the sense of touch is something I'm kind of craving right now. And what a good craving to have!

Alright, so enough of that. Hormones. Gotta love 'em.

I will be going to the ultrasound by myself this time. Quite the change from the last one when I had four others with me! Anyway, I told B & R I will attempt to FaceTime them during the ultrasound so they can see their babies again. If that won't work, I will video as much as possible and send it to them and give them a call after the appointment.

I'm looking forward to seeing the babies again and hearing their heartbeats. That's my favorite thing about pregnancy! 

Honestly, I'm looking forward to hitting the 10 week mark for another reason. Once the Clinic and Dr D get the info from the ultrasound they will send me a new protocol for weaning me off the meds! The end of shots is in sight! (My thighs are so excited to have only 16 shots left. The end of bruising is near!)

The hormones are also making me a little less "filtered" than normal. Yesterday, at my daughter's birthday party someone came up to me and said "I see you're getting a little pudgy." My response was rather blunt: "No, I'm not pudgy, I'm pregnant with twins." Seriously. Who tells someone else that they are getting pudgy? The dumb thing is that this person knows I'm pregnant with twins! Of course I'm going to have a bit of a tummy at ten weeks pregnant with twins! Who says stuff like that? And who in their right mind says stuff like that to a pregnant woman?!?

Ah, so much happening and so many emotions to be thankful for!

I'm thankful for small miracles. 

9 weeks 5 days (wearing tummy tucking maternity pants. Sorry, not the best pic)

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