Monday, October 7, 2013

Feeding Frenzy

I was chatting with my husband and telling him about the eating habits I've recently developed. He was rather impressed with my crazy intake, so I thought I'd share it here, too. Mind you, this is what happens on a normal weekday. (It's even more amazing that I haven't gained any weight, yet!)

7:30-8 a.m. A big bowl of chocolate malt-o-meal. Yummy! Perhaps a banana if there's one available.
9-9:30 a.m. Blueberry bagel, plain. 
11:30 a.m. School lunch. Lately, I've been asking for a double portion of the veggies and fruit, and sometimes a bit more entree.
1:30 p.m. Fruit or veggies or chex mix or whatever sounds good.
6 p.m. Dinner of whatever sounds good. 
8 p.m. Whatever sounds good (usually just a little something.

I'm so amazed at the insanely large amounts of food I'm consuming. Not only that, but the short intervals between each food grouping is crazy, too! It's not like I'm constantly grazing, but by the time I eat at each interval I'm really hungry! Tummy rumbling, need something now kind of hungry!

My sweet tooth hasn't reared its head in about a month, so that's good for the babies. I do like the occasional sweet (caramel, sixlets, airhead, skittles, etc) I'm back to liking strawberries and I'm appreciating having that one back. 

A big thing I've noticed is that when I want a food it's a very specific food I want. For example, last night I wanted French onion soup. So, my loving husband went to a local restaurant and brought me back some soup. I don't remember having many of these specific cravings when I was pregnant with my girls, but these babies are very specific about what they want. :-)

Bon appétit, little miracles!

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