Thursday, January 31, 2013

Patience is a Virtue

I would consider myself a fairly patient person under normal circumstances. That being said, I would have to say that waiting twelve days for a blood test to determine if I'm pregnant with M & A's baby anything but normal circumstances.

Being the optimist I am, let's look at some good things. 1) I'm not cramping. 2) I haven't had morning sickness yet, but I didn't really have it with either of my girls. 3) I am used to the medication regimens they have me on. 4) All of this waiting is building my character. 5) It's kind of fun to mess with people by saying things like "no, thank you. I will not have that glass of wine. I may be pregnant and will find out on the 8th." Interesting reactions from those not in the loop. 6) My hubby likes telling people he went with me to Toronto to watch me get pregnant.

So, I really do have a lot of fun and good things going on. I am definitely learning patience and have been spending more time in prayer. That helps with the anxiousness and stops me from letting my mind wander.

I'm here, waiting on confirmation of a miracle!


It is now a couple hours later from the above post and I am happy to report some awesome cramping and low-grade nausea going on. No, I'm not going to throw up, just the thought of food and the preparation of said food is totally revolting. I'm taking this as a good thing as these are both symptoms I had with the girls while I was pregnant!

Not much longer before I find out if these are signs of a miracle or just food poisoning!

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