Sunday, January 27, 2013

Transfer Complete!

Long story short, I have two embryos in me!

Short story long, I was told to report to the clinic this morning at 9:30 with a full bladder. At 10 we met Dr Garcia, the fertility doctor working with M & A. I signed a gestational surrogate consent and then I was led down a curvy hallway where I met the ultrasound tech. I was told to undress and given the paper drape all women know. I lay down and the probing started.

First, an ultrasound to see the uterus. Next, the speculum was inserted (oh joy) and a good spot was located. Then, a little window next to the doctor opened up and a petrie dish was slid through. A quick check of my name and birthdate and some pokes, probes, and general uncomfortableness and its done. Two embryos were transferred into me. The whole thing took less than 10 minutes, including signing the consent. I was then instructed to stay laying down for another ten minutes and could go.

They told me to be on bed rest today and light duty for the next 48 hours. No problem there! (Someone, please tell my job that Tuesday morning needs to be light duty!)

A side note, I really appreciate my OB/GYN at home for heating her instruments and the ultrasound gel! This clinic could learn a thing or two from her! I digress.

Before I left I was given orders for a beta blood test to confirm the pregnancy on the 8th. You know I will be posting before then, but that is the official day to confirm a pregnancy!

Little miracles, hold on strong! You stay there and I will keep you safe until you are ready to go home with M & A. They can't wait for their miracles, too!

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