Monday, January 21, 2013

Counting Down

Six days. Just six more days until I am at the Clinic to have the embryo(s) transferred. Six days isn't very long at all, is it?

No, I'm not scared. I'm not nervous. I'm a bit worried. If you know me at all, you know that I am not much of a worrier. I have a strong faith and I try to "cast my worries on Jesus, because He cares for me" (my paraphrase). I'm not worried about me at all. I know I will be fine. There isn't anything medically tricky about my part in the transfer. I'm worried about M & A. More than that, I'm starting to worry about if this transfer doesn't take and I get a negative test result the week after I return.

I know worrying won't help or accomplish anything. I know that this pregnancy and baby are totally out of my control. I know that there is absolutely nothing I can do to make a positive pregnancy test happen. I know all of these things.

Honestly, I am worried that if the test is negative, how am I supposed to call M & A and tell them that? I've made some tough phone calls before, but I think this would rank up there with the most difficult.

For now, I will continue to pray and continue to "cast my worries". I will continue to take my meds, eat healthily, get daily exercise, play with my kids, love my husband, and pray that all goes well for a little miracle.

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