Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Changes...Possibly!

**Previous information not yet blogged**
Last Friday I was sent an email from my PC informing me that my flight for the transfer would be this upcoming Saturday, embryo transfer on Sunday, and coming home on Monday. Shawn and I made arrangements with our jobs, with a good friend to watch our kiddos, and started getting things in order for our trip.

**Today at 4pm**
This afternoon I received a call from my PC. Again, she is a great lady who has helped me out a lot and I am glad she is on my side.

Anyway, she informed me that the egg retrieval scheduled for today did not happen and will be happening on Thursday. They will watch the embryo for a day and then make a decision on Friday whether they are going to let it grow 3 days or 5 days.

What this means is that if they are growing well they will still do the transfer on Sunday (3 days) with Saturday travel. If the embryos need the additional 2 days for a total of 5 days then my flight will be pushed back to Monday, transfer on Tuesday and travel back on Wednesday.

I call my hubby so he can contact his jobs, talked with my boss to make arrangements for my class for a possible two extra days off, call my friend to see if she's available to watch the kids... Holy cow, that's a lot of people to have on hold until Friday!

So, what I know now is the following:
-I start progesterone on Friday. One vaginal suppository twice a day until they tell me to stop. This is in addition to the other meds I'm presently taking.
-Egg retrieval is happening Thursday. (I wonder how M & A are doing with all of this?)
-I will hear from PC on Friday to get a confirmed date of travel of either Saturday or Monday.
-My wonderful hubby's jobs are supporting and being flexible with all of the crazy scheduling we have going on. (Thanks, Greenhaven and Apple!)
-My job is being absolutely wonderful about scheduling and covering my class with all of the craziness going on. (Thanks, SonShine!)
-My friend who will be watching our girls is a GEM for her flexibility and availability with being here during my insanity (I owe you a ton of soy chai lattés!)
-Oh, and I heard back from the doctor (read previous post today). He is fine with my lining thickness and wants me to proceed as I have been with no additional medication or testing needed. He's okay with 7.48 for a thickness. :-)
-My hubby is being amazing and supporting me through all of this craziness. I'm so glad I have a steady rock to keep me stable during all of this instability. Thanks, Shawn! Loves you!

I'm doing all right with these changes, for the most part. I wish there was something I could do to make sure everything goes as planned and works the first time, but I know that's not possible to control. I just keep praying for M & A, praying for the little miracle, praying for me. As long as all of the arrangements (and back-up arrangements) are in place to the best of my ability, then I'm okay.

If the doctor thinks its best, we can all wait a few more days for a miracle.

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