Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Walking Medicine Cabinet

I know that there are a ton of people on the planet who take a lot more medication than I am currently taking, but in the past couple of days my medicine intake has rapidly increased. Here's the rundown:

-Prenatal vitamin. Taken for obvious reasons. I've been taking this for a couple of months, so no change here.

-Zyrtec (generic version). I have environmental allergies and have been on a controller for a number of years. Yes, I have a note from my OB/GYN stating it is safe to take during pregnancy. My allergies trigger my asthma so as long as I can keep my allergies under control I'm pretty safe from breathing problems. Shawnee breathing = child I'm carrying is breathing.

-Lupron (generic equivalent). This is a new one. I started the lupron injections on Friday and so far so good! I have some previous knowledge about lupron and it wasn't positive. The kids that I would give this to would say that they would hurt for a day or two after the injection (same medication given for different reasons as determined by their doctor). My dad was on lupron as one of his treatments of prostate cancer (this is the original intention of this drug). My dad had severe reactions to this medicine. He would be in severe pain for about 3 days after the shot. I chatted with some surrogate friends about their experience and most of them said they had headaches and mood swings. One confided that she turned into a crazy lady while on it with severe mood swings that she wasn't able to control.

My experience so far with it has been better than I was fearing. I've had a lot of cramping and headaches so far, but none of the extreme mood swings I heard about. I'm counting my blessings as I can deal with cramping, headaches, oh, and a little bruising on my stomach where I'm injecting (I bruise really easily).

-Estrace (generic form). I'm taking 10 mg in tablets broken up throughout the day. So I'm taking two 2mg in the morning, one 2mg in the afternoon, and two 2 mg in the evening. I honestly don't know know if the cramping and headaches are from the Lupron or the estrogen (or a combination of the two) as I started both of them at the same time.

-Tylenol. To counteract the headaches and cramping I've been popping Tylenol to take the edge off. I can't say it's been all that effective, but I'd like to think that it's helping a little. Not sure what else to take that is safe with the smörgåsbord of meds, so I'll stick with what I know.

I have yet to start the progesterone suppositories, but I'm not too concerned about them. I was on them with my last pregnancy due to a slightly low progesterone level. That pregnancy turned out fine. They are gross, but overall not nearly as bad as progesterone-in-oil that some other surrogates have to take (that's a twice daily shot in the fanny). My OB was glad to hear I would have suppositories as studies show they are more effective than the shot. It makes sense when you think about it: put the medicine where it is needed rather than making it travel throughout the body to get to where it is needed.

Anyway, now that I have been on drugs for a few days I thought I'd check in. So far, so good. All of this for a trip to Canada and a transfer on the 27th! Actually, all of this for a miracle...

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