Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Last Stab

Today marks a big accomplishment for me: it marks the last shot of Lupron I have to give myself. They haven't been as bad as I feared and I didn't have the side effects that many others have experienced, but it hasn't been the highlight of my day, either. My tummy looks a little worse for the wear, a bruise and a bunch of puncture wounds, so that part of my body is also glad to be done.

Here's what is on the schedule for this week:
-Tuesday-I go in for an ultrasound to check the uterine lining (follicular development and endometrial lining thickness, to be precise) to make sure it is nice and thick and ready for the transfer and implantation. Coincidently, this will also be the day that the eggs are retrieved. But that's not me or my eggs.
-Wednesday- I start progesterone. Thankfully, my doctor has prescribed the vaginal suppositories so I will not be starting another shot. I am very thankful for this minor fact!
-Friday-A good friend comes over to stay with my girls. I will give her the rundown of their schedules and quirks in order to leave...
-Saturday- I fly out to the clinic city!
-Sunday-Transfer day!
-Monday- Return flight home.

As you can see there is a lot going on this week! I'd appreciate prayers for safe travels and a successful transfer. Safe and healthy miracle or two...

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