Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Making Plans

Today marks a big day in the life of M & A. They started their trip to the Clinic today and will undergo testing and treatments the next five days, resulting in the egg retrieval on the 22nd. They are in my prayers as they travel and undergo all of the medical stuff.

Looking back, it's crazy how I only blogged once a month for several months and now I'm blogging almost daily. According to my PC, that's a huge part of surrogacy, the hurry-up-and-wait. As long as I know something is in the works I'm okay with waiting. Now it appears my patience seems to have paid off as things are really picking up!

I'm still doing really well in the medicinal side effects department. The biggest thing I've noticed is that I am incredibly thirsty. I've been drinking a couple hundred ounces of water every day and that barely takes care of the need. Thankfully, my body is getting rid of the water and I'm not bloated. That would be bad! But, one would think my skin would be incredibly soft and well hydrated from all of the liquid. Not so! I know part of it is due to me washing my hands so often during the day at work (I'm a toddler teacher). But really, I should be dry-skin free! Ah, the plights of a surrogate (can you hear the sarcasm?). My 25oz water tumbler is my new constant companion! (See pic below).

I also received notification from my PC that I will be having an ultrasound in one week to make sure my uterine lining is nice and thick, all ready for the transfer. This will happen the same day as the egg retrieval, so lots going on next week!

They are also working on my travel to the Clinic. Checking dates, times, making sure my passport is valid, etc. All of the arrangements that are needed for a successful transfer, as far as we can get set. Shawn wants to come with me which I love, and we will hopefully be able to swing that. Again, more arrangements to be made.

Please keep M & A in your prayers today and in the coming days as we all prepare for a miracle.

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