Sunday, December 29, 2013

Quiet Times

After the excitement of seeing the babies and finding out their genders last Thursday, I've been enjoying a bit of quiet since then. Of course having my girls stay with their grandparents for a couple of days will contribute to the quiet, but any way you look at it, things have been relatively quiet.

Actually, Friday was a bit of an interesting day for me and the babies. As I took the majority of Thursday off for the ultrasound and to spend some time with B & R, I offered to work open to close on Friday so one of my coworkers could have an early day. 

The day itself was good, lots of people stopping by my class asking about the ultrasound and the babies' genders. Yes, my coworkers and student's parents know the genders. For those closer to B & R, you will know soon enough as well! 

The day was a light day with only three babies. I enjoyed my time with the little ones, getting to play with them and hold them a bit more than I normally would be able to. 

Late in the afternoon, I started getting a dull back ache. I just chalked it up to a longer than normal day for me.

Shawn and I decided to go out for a nice meal as the girls were not home for the evening. He made reservations at one of my favorite steak houses and we were off! Sometime during dinner, my back ache became more pronounced and some cramping came with it (a few light contractions came along, but they were very infrequent and not even worth timing). All of this did shorten my dinner a bit, but I wasn't concerned. After all, I had just pulled a 10 hour work day, which is something I'm not used to anymore. I knew that with a bunch of water and a good night's sleep I would be fine by morning.

Saturday came and, as I had guessed, I was feeling much better. The back ache was gone and I wasn't having any cramping or contractions. I told Shawn that I wanted to take it easy that day and give me and the babies some time to rest. He was good with that and we spent a nice morning just relaxing and being together. 

I did notice that the babies weren't as active on Saturday as I usually notice them to be. The funny thing was that baby on my right was more active than baby on my left, which is hardly ever the case. Hmm... What's going on in there, little people?

This morning as I was awakened by our children (they apparently missed waking me up for two days and were paying me back this morning with multiple awakenings today), baby on my left was protesting me moving around and rewarding me with big kicks. Not to be outdone, as soon as I would finally settle down after putting a child to sleep, baby on my right would give me a couple good kicks so I wouldn't forget that they were there as well. Yeah, happy babies in there! 

I'm glad to see that they aren't any worse for the wear of a longer day on Friday. They apparently just needed a day to rest as well. I totally get that.

So, now we are on Sunday. We are having another low-key day today with lots of snuggling and easy activities. The weather is kind of forcing this as the temps have once again dipped down into the low single digits with the windchill around -20. I'm not complaining, I love wearing sweatshirts and my new cute slippers while snuggling under blankets. This is perfect reading or movie watching weather! 

This week will be a busy one with both of our girls going to work with me, I have a full class of kids all week, New Year's celebrations (we still have no idea what we are doing for that!), and I'm sure something else will come up. 

Oh, I forgot! We finally were able to tell our girls the babies' genders. First we asked what they thought the babies were. Annalies (2.5 yrs) guessed two girls, Natalie (6 yrs) guessed one boy, one girl. They were so cute when we told them the results! Both were happy with the results. I also told them the babies' names. Natalie immediately started associating the names with "close names" of people she knew. They approve of your choices, B & R. :-)

So, that's been my weekend. The babies are currently having quite the little dance party as I'm reclining, and I'm enjoying every minute of it! Have fun, little miracles!

19 weeks 5 days

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