Friday, December 20, 2013

Giving it a Shot

I finally received the phone call I have been waiting for. The pharmacist called and let me know that the progesterone finally went through insurance. Good news, right? 

When I picked up the meds, there were four little vials of liquid for me. I chatted with the pharmacist (who's name is Sean, by the way) and he said that this med was ordered without the alcohol preservative so it should be less painful than the progesterone I had to take every day the first trimester. It's a different compound as well, still in the sesame oil, but different other things that should make it a bit easier on me. No arguments here!

I also asked Sean about the 18 gauge needles that were given to me. (Think pencil lead sized pointy  things going into your leg or arm). I'm fine with drawing up using a freaking huge needle, but then to use the same thick, now dull, needle to stab myself with does not sound like something I will willingly do without a fight. Sean was totally understanding and quickly gave me some 1 inch 28 gauge to switch out and use to administer the meds. Schwoo! Much better!

So that is my tale. I picked up the meds on Wednesday, but thanks to an unexpected trip to the ER with our two year old for a head gash and some stitches, I wasn't able to do the shot that night. Last night was crazy with dance class, so I think I'm going to give it a whirl tonight. Shawn will be home tonight and we can tag team baths and bed time. I should be able to squeeze in a few minutes to ice, stab, and heat.

Other than all of that, the babies are well. They have their active times and have been cooperating with life and the busyness of the Christmas season. I'm so thankful to be feeling better now. Christmas parties and foods are here and I want to eat!

Enjoying each small miracle in my life!

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