Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Sneak Peak at the Babies

Well, hello there little ones! One of my favorite things about being pregnant is when I get a sneak peak of what's going on inside. Today was the big day when we were able to see the babies again. How fabulous to see them for the few moments we were given. It just makes them seem so real and gets us all excited to be able to hold them in a few months!

B & R came up for this appointment. They actually came up last night and once they arrived in our frozen tundra, they came over for a little visit with us. It was fun to catch up as it has been almost 2 months since we last were together. I was amused at their reaction to my growing belly. Yes, I did see them sneak peaks at my mid-section! Hey, its their kids I'm carrying, so I would be disappointed had they not been interested. (R said that I look bigger in person than the Sunday pictures show. I believe it!  I feel bigger than the pictures show, too. At least this bigness has a good reason!)

After a couple hours visit, we made plans to meet again at the clinic for the appointment and said good night.

This morning, I went to work for a couple of hours then left for the appointment and to meet B, R, and my husband, Shawn. I was led back to the exam room, properly covered up, and the tech went back to get my entourage. Once we were all comfortably settled in our room, the show began! I told her that we were interested in finding out the genders if the babies would cooperate with us.

I am happy to report that both babies are measuring perfectly for their age. They are about 11 oz each, which is the 54% for their gestational age. I'm perfectly happy with them staying in the 54%! If your average full term baby is 8lbs, I would be very happy with a couple of 5 or 6 lb babies.

It was also nice to see that, as I have been reporting, the baby on my left is definitely the busy little baby! Left baby totally cooperated with all of the measurements, with a heart rate of 144 beats per minute. I think B is claiming this baby. Baby on my right was a bit more subdued, but was also moving for us. However, this baby was laying with one arm right across the chest where we were trying to see the heart for measurements. We had to take a break from baby on the right for a couple of minutes to see if baby would move to get the measurements. Right baby's heart is beating at 146 beats per minute and by default, R is claiming that baby.

The little stinker on my left has completely changed positions since my last ultrasound on Friday. This baby is now in a breach position, which means its head is up and feet are down. Baby on the right is still head down. There is still time for both babies to move, so I'm not too worried yet.

The tech also measured my cervix, which is measuring long at 4cm. This is perfect for where I am with this pregnancy. As I get closer to delivering these babies, the cervix will get shorter and thinner, but for now, we want long and thick. Thankfully, with the crazy contractions from last Friday, its great to know that my body is NOT getting ready for delivery. Schwoo!

All in all it was a really great day. Shawn and I were able to celebrate with B & R the news of their healthy little babies. They also shared with us the babies' names, which are just perfect for them! I'm so excited for R & B to be able to take these babies home and make them a part of their family!

I know, I know. Now you are yelling at your computer "Quit stalling and tell! What are they? Two girls? Two boys? One of each? Tell ME NOW, Shawnee!" And, I will tell the world. But not now. Sorry. It's not my news to tell! I want B & R to have the joy of sharing with their family and friends the big news. I will post the genders, but not until I have been given the all clear by the baby's parents. :-)

What a wonderful day getting to know these two little miracles!

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