Friday, December 6, 2013

Burning Up the Phone Lines

The babies are a hot topic right now! I've spent a lot of time on the phone with various health care workers about them. Here's a brief summary:

My doctor called me (I know. How often does a doctor personally call with good news?) She wanted to personally tell me that the alpha fetal protein came back completely normal for twins. She said that there is something like a less than 1 in 10,000 chance that one of the babies would end up with spina bifida. Awesome, right! She also wanted to make sure that I was going to pass along this news to R & B, because technically she can't do that herself. I'm her patient, not them or the babies. (Of course I passed the info along. It was about their babies after all!)

The second through, oh, I don't know, eighth phone calls were from the triage nurse, the pharmacy, and my insurance company. Really long, three day story short, my doctor wants me to start weekly progesterone injections again to help prevent preterm labor and delivery. 

Triage Judy wanted me to go to Edina, a 35 mile round trip, to pick up the meds every month. I didn't want to make that trip as it was snowing pretty hard and I had Annalies very sick at home. I asked that the prescription be called to a pharmacy closer to my house. Triage Judy complied with my wishes (eventually). 

The next call was from closer pharmacy letting me know the medication was not going to be covered by my insurance and did I still want the meds anyway? I told her I'd have to call her back after I talked with some people.

Call #28 was to Agency to see if this is something they want to handle or if I should just fight this one with my doctor and insurance company?

(Somewhere in here I notiied B & R what was going on.)

Then was another call to triage Judy explaining the situation. She did not seem happy to hear from me again until she heard the whole reason why I was calling. She said something like "well, you'll just have to pay for it then." I said that wasn't the issue, the issue was that I had a pretty good reason for needing this medication due to two past premature births and wondering if my Doctor would be willing to fight a little with the insurance company in order to get me the medication. 

Apparently I was a little blunt (and maybe a touch snotty) but it must have worked because she changed her tone. She asked questions about how early my first two pregnancies were and if I had been on this particular med before. Triage Judy then said she would call my insurance company and see what she could do about the situation.

Several hours later I received a follow up call from Traige Judy. Apparently, the pharmacy originally used the wrong code for my meds. They are going to use a different code which should help the meds get through without a huge out of pocket expense to me and my IP's.

I'm still waiting to hear from the pharmacy, but I'm optimistic that things will work out this time. 

To be honest, I was really annoyed when I heard I was going to have to be on progesterone injections again. My legs are finally starting to feel better (and look better!). There are a couple of places that still are sore from the past injections. Then, during all of these phone calls I asked someone how often the injections were going to be. I think I started dancing when I found out they were weekly injections, not daily. I can totally handle one shot a week! Waaayyy better than daily injections. A huge sigh of relief there! 

So, that is where we are. I'm still waiting to hear back from the pharmacy for when I can pick the medication up. I'll call on Monday if I haven't heard back from them by then.

As for the babies, baby on my left (I need to come up with better things to call them) has been really active lately. Baby likes to move a lot in the evening with big, strong movements. Baby on the right I'm not feeling as much, this baby's movements are more on the fluttery side. However, baby on the right definitely does not like sudden movements such as a cough or sneeze. I feel more twinges from this baby when I sneeze.

Doing what I can to keep busy little miracles safe! 

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