Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pass the Tissues!

Hello, hormones!

Wow, I really wasn't expecting hormones to hit so strong and so hard. No, I'm not an uncontrollable blubbery mess, but hormones have definitely hit. Let me explain. 

I was at work feeding a little 4 month old baby, when just a random Christmas song came on the radio. This is nothing new. I love Christmas songs. As soon as we are done with the Thanksgiving meal, Christmas carols get turned on the sound system. It should come as no surprise that I was listening to Christmas music at work.

I don't even remember which song started playing. No, it wasn't Christmas Shoes. I find that song particularly obnoxious. I liked it the first time I heard it, but the awe factor is no longer there. 

Wait, where was I? Oh, yeah. Gotta love random, right?

So, I'm feeding a baby this morning and the local radio station starts playing a random Christmas carol. And I have no idea why, but I start crying. I mean, I'm totally losing it. After a minute or so, I kind of snap out of it and pull myself together. What's going on? I'm crying over a Christmas song? Who does that? Must have been some kind of fluke, right? 

Not so much. 

Tonight, after I put my girls to bed, I needed to make a Christmas card to bring to work tomorrow. So, I sat down to make the card for my boss and decided to watch a little Cake Boss (my newest favorite Netflix indulgence.) The episode I'm on is Buddy and his family in Italy. Buddy is making cakes for a bunch of random people in Rome and then baking an Italian cake with a local baker. He wants to give it to his wife. Sappy, right? Well, not really. After all, its Buddy. He's not exactly my idea of suave, smooth, and debonaire, ya know? 

So, Buddy gives his wife this cake he made, she tells him she's pregnant, and I'm over here choking up.  What the heck??? I'm normally a pretty level headed person, not generally hormonal at all. I'm happy and easy going. This random and sudden bursts of tears is something totally new for me. 

When I was pregnant with Natalie, my first baby, I could be a hormonal mess on occasion. For the most part, I can blame those waterworks on Hallmark specials and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. What can I say, I'm a sucker for RomCom and the feel good shows.  

So, other than super baby/pregnancy hormones, I don't think I can blame the tears on anything else. Oh, well. I'm a woman, I guess I'm allowed to be hormonal every once in a while. Oh, wait, I'm pregnant. And not just pregnant, pregnant with twins. I'm allowed to be hormonal whenever I need to be! Bring on the emotions! :-)

Small miracles are beautiful things. (sniff)

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