Monday, December 23, 2013

A Quiet Weekend (baby-wise)

After the insanity of Friday with all of the contractions and visit to MAC, I'm happy to say that this weekend has been relatively uneventful and quiet, baby-wise. 

I did have some contractions on Saturday, but I'm talking about 12 all day. Nothing I was concerned about or needed to be assessed for. A definite improvement over the day before.

After I'm done working today, I have two days off for Christmas, so I'm hoping a bit of extra rest and down time will help keep everything calm in there.

The babies didn't seem to mind the contractions, they've been as busy as ever! Apparently, 10pm is the new time to party for these little ones. Lots of activity going on!

I'm hoping for another quiet day, and, with a lighter than usual class size, I should be able to relax and not do as much.

18 weeks 5 days

Enjoying some quiet time with small miracles.

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