Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Big Announcement!

Happy New Year! Today marks a couple of big milestones - the babies and I have hit the 20 week mark! If this was a singleton pregnancy or if I didn't have a history of pre-term labor this would be the half way mark. However, this isn't your normal pregnancy and I am definitely not your normal pregnant lady. :-)

I'm guessing I've got about 15 or 16 more weeks to go before we meet the babies in person.

Speaking of the babies, B & R have given me the go-ahead to share with the world the babies' genders. They had a party with their friends and family this afternoon and revealed to them the genders. Now, it's my turn to reveal the big news we've shared the past week!

Baby on my left, the little one who enjoys kicking any organ nearby and has decided to make me a little nervous about labor by flipping into a breach position is a boy! Baby on my right, the mild mannered little one who enjoys my morning chai and hates any cough or sneeze is also a boy

The day of the ultrasound, as we all were in the room learning each baby's sex, B & R also shared with me his name. I've been given permission to share their names. 

Please allow me to introduce to you my newest little friends: Brady is the little guy on my right who is presently kicking me. He enjoys small amounts of caffeine, ice cream, and hates sudden or jerky movements. Cohen is the feisty buddy on my left. He definitely has a mind of his own, having flipped to what he thinks is a more comfortable position. He could care less about ice cream or caffeine, doesn't have any issues with jerky movements, and during the ultrasound was very proud to show us he is all boy! 

So, there's our big news to share. Shawn and I are so excited for B & R. I loved seeing B & R's reactions to the news of their boys. I know they are going to be great parents.

I can't wait to meet Brady and Cohen! What wonderful little miracles!

Happy New Year and 20 weeks with the boys!

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