Thursday, February 6, 2014

Meeting the Specialist

Today was my appointment with the perinatal specialist. The good news is that things are looking good. Let's talk about the specifics now, shall we?

I was given a complete anatomy ultrasound of both the boys today. I absolutely love every time I get to see the babies! I can feel them move around, but it's so nice to get a small peek at them with the ultrasound.

The boys look great! Brady is weighing in at 1 lb 14 oz, which is the 58 percentile. His head is down low in the center. His head is pressing up against my cervix, which is kind of amusing when you see it on ultrasound. His heartrate is beating at 149 beats per minute. Not only is his head down low, but he is stretched streight up and down with his fanny way up high. He cooperated with most of the ultrasound and just gave some easy movements. 

Cohen is weighing in at 1 lb 12 oz and is in the 55th percentile. His heartrate is beating at 138 beats per minute. Cohen has finally listened to reason and moved into a head down position. He is all curled up with his knees up by his face! Today, he was looking straight up with his back to the left with his body facing the middle. The tech made the comment that it looked like he was trying to tickle his brother with his hands reaching toward Brady. When she was measuring his legs, he showed us a great pic of his foot, which is measuring at 4.94cm (about 2 inches).

The tech was kind of funny as she was measuring their heads. She kept referring to the 20 week scan to see where they were measuring percentage-wise then. Apparently, both their heads are measuring a bit above average. She asked me if I was okay with that and was I planning a natural delivery. I chuckled and said yes, I'm hoping to avoid a c-section and I'm not too worried. I'm a firm believer in pain meds and, after all, these are twins and twins often come early! 

After the fun pics of the boys, the tech switched the machine around and it was time to measure my cervix. Just to recap: last Friday, I was measuring 1.4cm, Monday measured 1.7-2.0cm. Today, I'm happy to report that my measurement was 2.3. Schwoo! 

After the tech took the measurements, she gave the findings to the doctor who then came in to talk with me. The doctor said she was pretty pleased to see that my body is responding well to being off of work and the modified bed rest. She does recommend that I continue to stay off of work and continue the restrictions Dr Wagner gave me. She thinks that limiting the time on my feet is a good thing and continue to avoid strenuous activity. I'm just supposed to listen to my body and avoid doing things that tire me out or cause contractions. (Isn't that what all women are supposed to do while pregnant?)

I also asked about the progesterone injection I'm currently on, per Dr Wagner's comments. Unfortunately, this doctor doesn't have a strong opinion about it at this point. She said that I'm too far along to add the gel, but she doesn't see much benefit to the shot either. If I was dilating, then she would recommend the gel, but that's not the case with me. If I had a history of delivering babies at 30 weeks she would be all for continuing the shot. Since my girls were just shy of full term and neither had any negative side effects from their premature arrival she doesn't really see it as an issue at this point. However, she said that she would leave it up to Dr Wagner. 

So, that's where we are today. I'm pretty happy with the results of today's visit. So relieved that the babies are healthy and seemingly happy (and that Cohen has moved into a better position!). I'm also glad that my body is reacting better to the pregnancy, now that we have figured out I need to stay off my feet and avoid my crazy job. Definite relief all around!

I was given a bunch of pics of the babies today and want to include them here. Enjoy the adorable miracles!

Brady's profile

Cohen's profile (his legs are up against his chest and knees by his nose)

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