Saturday, February 1, 2014

Just Thinking...

It's now 2:30 a.m. Ever have a night where you have so much on your mind that you wake up with your brain going a million different directions? You know you should sleep but you can't find the off switch for your thoughts?

That's me tonight. I dozed for a little while, but between Braxton-Hicks contractions (I have them every night) and my thoughts on high speed, I'm having trouble settling into a good deep sleep. That's okay, as I guess I will have some time to nap tomorrow.

Shawn and I started talking tonight a bit about our plans and what's going on. We are still going to wait for big decisions after we talk with Dr Wagner on Monday, but tentative plans have been made.

We talked about getting Natalie to dance class on Thursdays, some of the chores around the house, and little logistical things like that. It's good to have a few things settled. It helps with the peace of mind for me.

I made a list, albeit a short list, of things I can, want, and need to do while on bed rest. They include painting my girls' nails, teaching Natalie to sew with her new sewing kit, and beading her flower girl dress, among others. 

I am also thinking of other projects that I have that I could do: altering a wedding dress, tagging the girls' clothes I want to consign, attacking the mending pile of clothes for my family. You know, the things you try to do on your days off but never seem to get around to doing. I'm sure there's lots more in this category that I'm just not thinking of right now.

Then there's the list of things I wanted to do or we had talked about doing this weekend that I'm just not going to be able to do: GAI Winterfest, Laskiainen, St Paul Winter Carnival, St Paul Saints Snowball Classic... There are lots of options to chose from! Of course this is on top of the usual weekend cleaning that a house regularly needs: vacuum, clean bathrooms, wash the hardwoods, dust, laundry, etc. It's just not going to happen by me, at least.

Then there is yet another list: household maintenance list. Groceries, errands, etc. I am so thankful that we live in the age of technology! I can do almost anything online for our house. Groceries, Natalie's Valentine's Day treats for school, schedule appointments. They are all able to be done online in some fashion.

I know there will be times I will want to complain because something wasn't done the way I think it should be, but maybe this is a good thing. Maybe this is God's way of teaching me patience and understanding. Hopefully, I will come out of bed rest, however long it may be, a much better person.

Shawn is being wonderfully supportive with all of this. He's being handed a lot to add to his already full plate with me out of commission. I know he will do a great job with taking care of things around the house and with the girls. I'm very thankful for him in my life.

It's much later than when I first woke up. The contractions seem to have calmed down for now and I've had some gentle baby movements going on. As long as the babies are safe and healthy, I'll do whatever it takes to keep them that way. Good night, little miracles! Let's have a peaceful day tomorrow!

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