Sunday, February 2, 2014

Groundhog Day & Bed Rest, Day 2

Happy Groundhog Day, 2014! Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. That means six more weeks of pregnancy, right? :-)

I'm hoping for at least six more weeks. That would get Brady and Cohen to almost week 31. Each day they stay inside me the better for them. 

I've had a couple of phone calls from people asking what's going on and how severe the bed rest. Basically, I really don't know much right now. The goal of Friday was to get me off my feet and on meds. Tomorrow I will see my OB and after the ultrasound I should have more answers. I'll update on the bed rest situation after I know more.

Speaking of bed rest, today is my 2nd full day. After figuring out yesterday with the help of Shawn, I think we've got a game plan for today. He did some grocery shopping last night for me, so I should have foods available that don't require too much from me. Shawn works all afternoon today, so the girls and I will be on our own for half of the day. We will see what happens!

I did notice that even with my very limited moving around yesterday, I am still contracting. It's definitely a lot less than when I work a full day and then take care of my family. Hopefully, they will decrease as my body gets used to being less active.

The boys moved a lot yesterday as well. They were very nice and let me sleep last night with no interrupting movements or mean contractions. Of course, the back rub Shawn gave me at bed time might have have something to do with that, too. My back was achy after a full day being down. What a guy I've got!

Today should be more of the same. Beadwork on a dress, refereeing discussions between my girls, and spending quality time with my bed and couches. Happy, healthy babies is the goal!

Here's to six (or more) weeks of hanging with little miracles!

24 weeks 5 days
A quick pic on my way to the couch from the bed. :-)

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